Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/14/15

Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we believe have the best chance of heating up.
Here are our picks of the week for delivery 1/14/15:
This week a lot of people will be focused on Star Wars #1. Sure, there will be some quick money to be made off them, but with over 100 variants and over a million copies sold, probably not going to be the best investment long term.
The Return of a Fan Favorite
Fables The Wolf Among Us #1– Fables is a fan favorite book. Yes there have been other spin offs, but this takes place before Fables #1. It also has the video game tie in which could work to its advantage.
The one with the Walking and the Dead
Walking Dead #136– A comic that will have spawned 2 tv shows, numerous books, video games, toy lines, t-shirts, children’s vitamins, cannot be overlooked. Every week Walking Dead comes out it appears on this list.
The why not nostalgia one
Mortal Kombat #1 I love Mortal Kombat. Still have many of the games (without the systems) and the Malibu comics. I have been a fan of the series since I picked it up for Sega Genesis my freshman year of college. This totally appeals to me on the nostalgia level. I am sure I am not the only one. Also, and it is funny, DC seemed to have solicited it as “Mortal Combat” with a “c” insteaad of a “k”, hoping that it shows up that way on the stands. That would be an epic fail. (It shows on a couple of different sites including mycomicshop and TFAW that way, Midtown has it with a “K”)
The Pick of the Week
<a href="”>Deep State #3– Each issue sells out. There is a media deal, what more do you really need to know. Justin Jordan is hitting his stride as a writer.
That’s it for us, let us know what you are spec-ing on.

7 thoughts on “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/14/15”

  1. Walking Dead is the only spec I got this week.. we gonna find out if they oust or kill Maggie for what Carl did to those boys..

      1. No apocalypse, deal with those boys in a moral way. But yeah, since this is the apocalypse, there is only one solution.. if you’re a prick, you just die! No trial, no jury.. quick death is the only solution. 😉

  2. I may have whined about this previously but my shop didn’t get any copies of Deep State #2. They said they were shorted from Diamond. I’m curious to see if I’ll get my pull copy of Deep State #3 today. For whatever reason the 2nd printing of Deep State #2 isn’t coming out until next week. Seems like an obvious thing to have the reprints on shelves at the same time the next issue releases.

    1. One local shop still had a nice stack of Deep State #2 1st printings. Let me know if you want me to nab one for you.

      1. Hey, I appreciate that. There’s another shop in town that I could have gotten an issue from. My local store is brand new so i’m really trying to support them. As long as I get my copy today and get the reprint next week i’ll be fine.

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