Enormous Raffle Update

I shot Tim a quick email in reference to the Enormous Raffle I posted earlier today. So here are the answers straight from the man himself.
CHU-Tim, what is your connection to the charity, and why the WAAA?
Tim Daniel- Ellen Grace is a former instructor of autistic students, and I have a family member that benefits from the services that WAAA offers. The choice of WAAA is a fitting one, both with the story and in real life.
CHU- Also, didn’t you raffle a chance to be on the cover of one of the issues for the same charity. How did that go?

TD- We did! Winners were announced months ago and have appeared on both Issue #5 (Shannon Forrey) and Issue #6 (Lance Copland and his son, Ezra).
That was really fun to do and we may well do it again sometime!
CHU- So I have to ask, because everyone is asking me, what percentage is going to the WAAA?
TD- This is a good ‘ol fashioned 50-50 raffle. 50% of the funds raised go to WAAA in the form of a donation. The remaining proceeds will likely be funneled back into Enormous. We may use the monies to purchase ads in Previews, buy a website background skin or promote the book in some fashion
There you have it folks, an awesome chance to win a huge (and hugely valuable) prize straight from Tim Daniel, and support two good causes with it, the WAAA and getting the word out on Enormous!