Wednesday Open Forum

Ah Wednesday, a Christmas in the middle of each week. The day that keeps many of us sane, and drives us insane at the same time. Also, one of the most popular features, our Wednesday Open Form.
Comment on your pick ups this week here, or anything else you want.

What books flew off the shelves? What were sitting in piles untouched? What back issue steal or deal did you get?

37 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. My definite pulls tomorrow:
    Lady Killer #3 (Great read and it heated up, can’t beat that)
    Detective Comics #40 (I’m digging the latest issues, back to Batman being a detective)
    WolfMoon #4 (I’m committed so far to finish this one out)
    Black Science #12 (Great Sci-Fi and possible show coming?)
    Descender #1 (I hope it’s good)
    God Hates Astronauts #6 (Still a great laugh and great read)
    Nameless #2 (First one was good, gotta see where this is going for sure)
    Rat Queens #9 (Duh!)
    Revival #28 (Committed)
    Saga #26 (It’s Saga, if you’re not reading Saga well, even aliens in outer space are reading this comic)
    Hawkeye #1 (Let’s hope it’s as good as Fractions take on Hawkeye)
    Angela Asgard Assassins #4 (I’ve been enjoying it so far but not sure how many more I’ll buy before just waiting for the issues to hit the Marvel Unlimited app)
    Avengers #42 (Committed)
    Princess Leia #1 (I’m in it for the Action Figure variant)
    Rocket Raccoon #9 (Good fun, who doesn’t like that fuzzy talking rodent with a gun?)
    Spider-Woman #5 (I’m actually behind right now but plan to binge read this one, hopefully it hasn’t gone to crap since issue 2)
    Day Men #6 (I wish this came out on a more frequent schedule)
    X-O Manowar #34 (Still in there, long time X-O fan)

    1. Saga #26 Can’t come soon enough.
      Big Man Plans #1 Eric Powell, nuff said.
      Lady Killer #3 Top notch all around.
      Neverboy #1 Curiousity.
      Descender #1 Receiving exceptional reviews.
      Hawkeye #1 Art pulled me in even though it’s definitely not my norm.
      Being mostly a trade waiter with the exception of a few and mini’s this is a fun week with several new mini series that look good.

  2. Off topic. Opinions on holding onto comics like avengers 144 (hellcat), hulk 324 (gray)? Flip worthy or investment keepers? Always have a dilemma with what i consider ‘new’ finds vs the classics ( avengers 4, hulk 181, etc). Opinions? Temporarily hot but have limited long term value? Flip and save to buy more prominent issues? Thanks!

    1. I’d hold onto the 144, Hellcat may continue to grow. Of its in excellent condition it is definitely worth grading. Not an easy book to pick up in high grade.
      I’d let the 324 go. I know some had thought grey Hulk may appear on screen but after some thought I have doubts that will occur. Red Hulk would pop way more on screen than a flat grey.

    2. I’ve read somewhere (maybe here, even!) that you should sell when the news first hits or when the movie/tv show hits. I think we’re in the middle of a dead period for both of those books. Avengers 144 is one I would hold for my PC (I’m a sucker for 1st appearances). As for Hulk, wait until some sort of announcement is made then flip it.
      It all comes down to personal preference. If you dig Gold/Silver/Bronze age books, keep your focus on those and don’t get too caught up in the modern stuff. So flip, save, and buy what you like!

  3. Detective comics 40
    Descender 1
    Nameless 2
    Hawkeye 1
    Avengers 42
    Princess Leia 1
    Big Man Plans 1
    Con Job 1
    Guardians Team-up 1
    Halogen 1
    Monster Motors Curse of Minivan Helsig 1
    Citizen of the Galaxy 1
    Stray 2 ( picked up the first but have not read it yet, figured I get #2 and read them one after the other).
    I am sure there will be many more once I start going over everything.

  4. Just read Deathstroke 5 and was blown away by the art. I loved how awesome Batman looked. 100x better than in the Batman series. Well done.

  5. Any ‘Agents of Shield’ spec out of Tuesday’s episode? (Spoilers below).
    They pretty much confirmed ‘Inhumans.’ My daugher picked up on that they might have set up a really cheesy name for Skye… ‘Rockstar.’

  6. Saga #26
    Rat Queens #9
    Descender #1
    Nameless #2
    Princess Leia #1
    Avengers #42
    Descender #1
    Lady Killer #3
    Con Job #1

  7. So I’ve just read Joe Mad is trying to bring back Battle Chasers. Supposedly he wants to bring out a comic, game, and potentially TV shows. Does anyone think that he can and will, especially with BC’s track record?

      1. Cool…look forward to seeing it!! This was my favorite as a kid, I pulled my comics out last night to check they’re condition, from what I remember they were in great condition. That wasn’t the case. Looking after comics as a kid I obviously wasn’t that efficient.

  8. Descender 1 looks good but has way too many variants. Any opinions on THE must have variant to hunt down?

  9. 5x Lady Killer #3
    5x Leia Action Figure VAriant
    5X Descender
    type light this week ..also caught Infinity Gauntlet 2-5 for $25 I need to track down a #6

  10. Just 2 books for me this week.
    Big Man Plans. I have really high hopes for this one.
    Lady Killer #3. This has been an excellent read.
    I’m trade waiting Saga so those issues can’t come fast enough. A series I wish I would have collected from the beginning.

  11. This week isnt as hyped as the last two weeks, but I’m a total Lemire fanboy so its a great week for me:
    Hawkeye #1 (reg and Lemire variant)…of course
    Descender #1 (A and B covers)…of course
    Balck Science #12
    Saga #26
    Princess Leia #1 (Ross and Campbell variants, and a Ross Signed)
    Tech #40 Matrix movie variant…looks like the movie variants are going to be a hit!

  12. What’s up with Halogen? TFAW Was sold out at the start of the week and Midtown by Sunday. I had to track it down at my back up store. How come I don’t see this on many people’s pull lists? (Probably because of low print run). Surprisingly, I’ve heard very lite hype about this book.

  13. Lady Killer #3
    Lady Killer #2 second print
    Blackcross #1
    Black Science #12
    Descender #1 A and B
    God Hates Astronauts #6
    Rat Queens #9
    Saga #26
    Hawkeye #1
    Hawkeye #1 Lemire variant
    Halogen #1
    Princess Leia #1
    Princess Leia Action Figure variant

  14. Hefty week this time around. Ended up coming across some issues I hadn’t originally planned on getting.
    Princess Leia #1 Action Figure Variant (going for a collection of all the figure covers)
    Hawkeye #1 Blank (can’t have enough blank covers)
    Guardians Team Up #1
    Halogen #1
    Feathers #3
    Cluster #2
    Imperium #2
    Return of the Living Deadpool #2
    Neverboy #1
    Lady Killer #3
    Rat God #2
    Harley Quinn #15 (fighting Harleys cover)
    Saga #26
    Rat Queens #9 (excited for the return, can’t wait to see Stjepans’ take on the Queens)
    Star Trek/Planet of the Apes #3
    Descender #1
    Green Lantern #40
    Big Con Job #1
    Infinity Man #8
    God Hates Astronauts #6
    Big Man Plans #1
    Pussycats #0
    Nameless #2
    Nailbiter Hack/Slash One Shot
    Geez that was a long list. I hope my wallet forgives me.

  15. Anyone pick up the Black Science variant by Sean Murphy? I only found one copy at the three shops I hit during lunch. Interested to see if there is any interest in this one.

    1. I found that odd as well. Only 1 shop out of the 3 I visited had it available.

    2. Also only one shop had Descender #1 Cover B available. The other two shops only had Cover A available.

      1. I noticed that as well. Of the four I hit, only one had B available. The others had just cover A for Descender. no other variants. Weird week.

  16. Big Man Plans – which was awesome.
    Inhuman #12 & the amazing beautiful Noto variant.
    Nameless #2
    Black Science #12
    Saga #26 – If you’re not reading Saga I’m not sure what you’re doing with your life.
    Descender #1A & #1B – Great read too.
    Also got Fantastic Four 642 character variant for 6 bucks.
    EoSV #4 1:25 variant for 7 bucks
    2 more copies of Silk #1 &
    5 copies of Spider-Gwen #1 for cover.
    And, lucky me, an ASM #4 Silk variant for $9.
    Overall a great trip.

  17. grabbed a couple spider-gwens and 4 more of the spider-gwen newbury exclusives, also got a Harley Quinn 15 1:25, if anyone managed to get a spider women 5, 1:50 , let me know please! Not one store in a 50 mile area had a copy :/

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