Not a huge week. Nothing really stands out as being a potential quick flip but here’s a few picks of the week, if they heat up or perhaps just a good read. Here goes…
Southern Cross #1 – Becky Cloonan, best known for Eisner nominated Demo comes with a new comic published by Image. As far as I can tell, it’s only got one cover as well. Sometimes this is great if a comic gains popularity, makes it easy to pick and choose.
Description: NOW BOARDING: Southern Cross, tanker flight 73 to TITAN! Alex Braith is on board retracing her sister’s steps to the refinery moon, hoping to collect her remains and find some answers. The questions keep coming though-how did her sister die? Where did her cabin mate disappear to? Who is that creep across the hall? And why does she always feel like she’s being watched? Inspired by classic mysteries and weird fiction, SOUTHERN CROSS is a crucible of creeping anxiety and fear as Braith struggles with the ghosts of her past on board a ship that holds secrets best kept buried.
Walking Dead #138 – Face to face. What? New character? Old character? What’s going to happen to Maggie and did Jesus just walk in on that douche trying to poison her? Did Carl get some or is it all a ploy from the new girl who liked to dress up as the walking dead to survive? So many questions and one big one remains.. where the F$*K is Michonne? Kirkman better start talking.. you can’t just go almost 12-15 issues without telling us what happened to one of your best and beloved characters!
Fantastic Four #644 – It’s getting closer, the start of the end or something like that. Pay attention to these, if Secret Wars is as big as they say it is, the start of it all begins in Fantastic Four as they end the series (which will come back one day, maybe when they make it cool again)…
The honorable mention of the week:
Politically Inqueerect Old Ghosts One Shot – Northwest Press – It’s already sold out at most online retailers. It’s got a following online, apparently popular in the gay community and I expect most shops to not even carry this one probably due to the title alone.
19 thoughts on “Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for 3/11/15”
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Southern Cross # 1 has the Ghost Variant cover
Big Bang Comics has a Matt Taylor variant. Limited to 1,000.
Also, there is an Display Rack variant (circle around the Image logo).
Good call
I stopped caring about the display variants. I haven’t seen these go up in value over the regular covers without the circle in the logo. Maybe later down the road people will care but it seems for now, most aren’t even paying attention.
Yeah, I figured there might be and possibly some store specific variants, was primarily stating only one cover from Image directly, no cover B or C, etc.
The Ghost Variant:
And the Big Bang Comics Variant:
The Big Bang Comics variant is the best one out of the 3..
My Ghost Variant link doesn’t work so well.. here it is:

I’m all over FF. I’ve gotten all the 1:15 variants so far as well as multiples of the connecting covers. I feel the payoff is coming!
Politically inqueerect seems impossible to find !
I will check my lcs today. They get everything in if anyone is interested.
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You can order directly from their site at
One shop I frequent had 1 copy. I went ahead and picked it up.
How about Spider-Gwen #2 1:25 variant? Can’t miss, if you can find it that is
My LCS had it.. for $30. I passed. I try to get variants at cover, the normal trend is they go down in value over time.
The other reason I passed is, it’s a #2. You can still find #1 variants at reasonable prices. I think most will seek out #1, not the #2 and not their variants a the premium price. Buy it for the collection but I don’t see any flipping potential on these since the release of #1.
The Spider-Gwen #1 Phantom Color was a nice pay off though, picking up a bunch of those for $10 and turning around and selling them for almost $30 has been real nice. They’re still pretty steady, average around $25-$30. 🙂
I’ve really been going back and forth on Southern Cross. I’m thinking I’ll trade wait it at this point but…..if I see it on the shelf, I might not be able to resist.
I picked up one copy to check out. Can’t go wrong with an Image #1.. they’re known to heat up later.. But Southern Cross had plenty available at the shops I frequent.