Happy Friday the 13th. Jason Voorhees to join playable characters on Mortal Kombat X

Ed Boon Tweeted out that Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th film franchise will be a playable character in Mortal Kombat X.

The following video was linked in the tweet.

I know this is not really comic book related but I am really excited about this one if you can’t tell. (Unless DC pulls him into the comic Mortal Kombat X, and considering Wildstorm is a division of DC, and Wildstorm was the last publisher of the Friday the 13th comic, but i digress….)
(This is from just now at work in my office. Dress down Friday’s rock and the toys are already in my office)

17 thoughts on “Happy Friday the 13th. Jason Voorhees to join playable characters on Mortal Kombat X”

  1. Personally, I’m not excited by this. Of course, I’ve never been into slasher films. I’d rather have Spawn, Predator or other past MK combatants.

  2. NICE!!!! I love lucky friday 13th. Can’t wait to see what kind of powers they give him in the game besides slashing. What would you put on him for powers?

      1. Other finishing moves could be one punch and off goes the head(trashcan for head to fly into optional) or he puts one hand on each side of head and pushes together until eyes pop out, and my last one ( I could keep going but will not) he somehow get his opponent into a sleeping bag…… and you know the rest.

  3. Oh yeah!!!! those are some cool moves if they where to put them in the game. Can’t wait for the game. I pre-ordered mine a while back and it sucks that they don’t have a collectors edition for the ps3. They only have it for the ps4 and xbox one. 🙁

  4. Yeah I am waiting to see if they are going to do a backward compatible for the ps4 just like they did with the ps3. So that way I don’t have to re-buy my games lol

  5. Is last of us any good? I’m currently playing Wolfenstein and its SICK!!! Robots, Nazis, and WWII. Sold!! At first it starts out lame and I was going to give up on it, but then the story gets better and better.

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