Interview with Princess Leia Batgirl Homage cover artist Scott Zambelli

Thanks to Mel the Movie guy for the interview with Scott Zambelli. Scott is the artist behind the now popular Princess Leia and Darth Vader homage to the canceled Batgirl cover.
Star Wars Batgirl Homage Cover which sold for $200.
Ultron Black Widow Batgirl Homage Cover up to $56
Mel- Please Start off by telling the readers about yourself.
Scott Zambelli- I’m a freelance illustrator who has been working full-time as a professional artist for about 6 years now.
M- How did you get your start in the business?
SZ- I’ve drawn for most of my life. However, I first started as a professional artist many years earlier when I worked as an animator with a local animation company in Southfield, MI back in the early to mid 90’s. While there, I created animations for many TV ads but my most notable work was when I created and designed the mascot for the NBA’s Detroit Pistons, as well as created all the scoreboard animations featuring him. He was a knight named, Sir Slam-A-Lot. He lasted about 4 years or so until the Pistons decided to revamp the team’s image. Part of that change in image included a new mascot which they still use today.
M- What are some books you have worked on in the past?
SZ- I’ve worked on a number of books. I have a few self-published books from my Christian based company called Studio Three16. In addition to the books already published, I am also working on some new eBooks as well a Christian themed comic book series I’m creating.In addition to my self-published works, I’ve done cover work for some small independent publishers which includes covers for both novels and comic books. I am also an established sketch card artist for a number of well known brands.
M- What were your initially thoughts on DC’s decision to cancel the Rafael Albuquerque Batgirl cover?My thoughts?
SZ- Well, first and foremost DC is a company and I respect that they need to do whatever the deem necessary to further their brand as well as their profits. However, in this situation, the problem is that they caved into a manufactured controversy of “political correctness” by a bunch of hashtag activists. It’s pretty sad. Especially considering that DC Comics wants to be known for “dark and gritty”. LOL.With that said, to make this even more insane, this was a variant cover. DC should have pointed out that this cover was paying tribute to one of the biggest storylines ever, “The Killing Joke”, and if fans did not like that cover they could vote with their dollar by buying the other covers instead. Then you factor in that we are just a couple of months since the tragic shootings at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in France where these artists gave their lives for artistic expression?! The artists of Charlie Hebdo stood tall in the face of bullets, yet only two months later DC Comics cowers in fear against a hashtag? What the hell is that?
M- Who are some of your favorite Artists?
SZ- I have so many artists who have influenced me over the years in so many genres that I greatly admire and respect. Though most of my influences have come in more recent years from the friendships I’ve developed while traveling on the road for the numerous comic cons I set up for. Spending time with these different artists and sharing personal tips and techniques with one another has helped me to grow more in the last few years than all my previous years combined.
M- Any Tips for aspiring artists?
SZ- The best tip I can give to artists is to stop comparing yourself to others. It’s not about being “better” than someone else. It’s about being the best “you” you can be. And when you ask another artist for a critique, be ready for an honest answer. If you’re asking for a critique, but really just searching for praise, you will be disappointed. Listen to what is said. It is not a personal attack, but rather good advice. Take the advice to heart and challenge yourself to improve in those areas.
M- What books are you currently reading?
SZ- “The Compound Effect: Jumpstart your income, your life, your success” by Darren Hardy. It’s a book that helps you to understand time management better and have success for running your own business as well as other areas in your life. Even though I’m “only an artist”, most people doen’t realize that this means I’m also self-employed as my own boss. I like to improve myself as a business owner whenever possible.
M- Any Upcoming appearances?
SZ- Over the next few months, I will be at: Gem City (Dayton, OH), MegaCon (Orlando, FL), Star Wars Celebration (Anaheim, CA), C2E2 (Chicago, IL), MotorCity Comicon (Novi, MI), Phoenix Comic Con (Phoenix, AZ), and Amazing Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV). I have more after that too.
M- What sparked you to do the homage covers to the canceled Batgirl?
SZ- It was just a knee jerk response really. I was tired of the “PC” crowd telling people what they can see or not see and I did some rough sketches real quick. Then I saw a post by Ray Dillon for an awesome Superman version he did of the cover and I knew I had to bring my 2 ideas to completion.
Thanks to both Scott and Mel for the interview.

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