Weekend open forum

Been kind of quiet around here this weekend. So let’s open the conversation up.
What were your winners and losers this week? What books did you read that you liked, loved, or will end up in the box of shame (ugh we all have that)?

Anything you pick up selling well?
Let’s hear what is going on.

50 thoughts on “Weekend open forum”

  1. been a slow weekend selling wise for me …catching up on southern bastards reading..such a great series ..winner i would say was the Ravenous sold 2 copies at 20 each ..got a 3rd one up no bites yet..i totally missed the boat on gi joe 212 …Space Raiders could be a sneaky winner ..black mask been killing it as of late

    1. I think Revenous is gonna be one of those that peaked really fast and then sizzles quickly after those that wanted a copy get theirs.

  2. Space Riders? Didn’t read it but sold two copies about an hour after listing. Got a GI Joe variant for 6 bucks and flipped for 55 by Wednesday night.

  3. So I went on a small hunting trip today and guess what I found for $4.99? The Convergence #0 Hughes variant! I could not believe my luck. After dropping $90 on a copy earlier this week, I was feeling pretty bad. But finding a second copy at cover price makes me feel a lot better!

      1. Because there’s a bazillion of them out there! 😉
        I picked up the Zircher variant at cover thinking I was gonna be able to flip it easily, that’s when I got online later and the bids for it were low while the BIN were barely existent with sold listings.. so I’m just holding onto it now.

  4. I have not had much luck flipping these last couple weeks, partly because I have to mail order my comics and by the time they get here; the market seems to be flooded. Secondly is because we just bought a house and that has been taking up most of my time remodeling. Did pick up most of the Uncanny Inhumans var and most of the Kanan The last Padawan var and hope I do ok with them. As far as reading my comics… I have not had the time and am really behind. It will be nice once the house is done and we are settled in.

    1. congrats on the House brother,Uncanny Inhumans 30 1:100 is posed for a move upward ..Kanan..well lets just say they are no Vader #3..yet

    2. I’m with you on the tough times selling online as I also have to mail order due to not living close enough to shops. Heading to a few next week so maybe I’ll have some luck.

  5. I had a busy work week putting in 12-14hr shifts. So I haven’t had the time to get my books. But I did order the deadpool 45 phantom variant at cover so that’s cool. Its such a sick as cover I couldn’t pass on it.

  6. Gone through 25 long boxes looking for New X-Men 115 and found nothing. On the positive side, found 2 JSA secret files 1 and some old marvel Star Wars comics. Hopefully those will pick up soon.

  7. Been picking up copies of Macross #1 and early Robotech Macross Saga issues since the Sony news. No idea where this spec is going but raw copies of Macross 1 are selling in the $40-60 range on eBay… A CGC 9.8 copy sold for $588.00! a few days back on eBay… I guess I’m not only one hunting these down…

    1. I hear you! I still remember buying my Macross #1 back in the mid 80’s. It cost $10. Rob Liefeld was working at my local comic shop at the time and went to the back room to get me one because they were out in the front. He was a pretty cool “older kid” that was always ready to help if you couldn’t find something… With that, yeah, I have been picking up extra Macross #1’s as well. The film was optioned and that can mean a lot of things. Getting optioned doesn’t guarantee a movie. So, my advice only buy if the price isn’t insane…unless you know for sure they have moved the project to per-production/production.

    2. I hope to go picking sometime this week. Have a list of things to grab at my honey hole if they still have them. Bought a bunch of silver age stuff off the wall last time I was there and was too distracted to search the bins.

  8. Have a very enjoyable and safe Easter everyone! Be careful on the roads if you are traveling! For those who don’t celebrate Easter, enjoy your family and loved ones!

  9. One thing I hope about the marvel phantom variants is that they stop doing the ASM homage. I mean some characters are ok but to do them to all yeah that’s got to stop well atleast IMO. I know I am not going to keep buying them if they do.

  10. To loki;
    I get them threw a comic shop that I have been doing buisness for some time and get along very well with the owner. He’s one of those guys that doesn’t bump books up in value just because they are hot he is more of someone that makes a good profit on a book and let’s the buyer make a profit on the after market as well. Very cool dude if I don’t say so myself. Not that many comic shop owners that are like that any more. Now a days the owners are into making as much money on a book as possible if they get the chance. So yeah that’s where I get them lol

  11. not much luck selling Inhumans or Convergence but did amazing with pre-sales of Kanan variant cover sets – i actually ordered more Kanan #1 than Star Wars #1 !

      1. Yeah, I picked up one regular copy to read. I almost budged in getting a few of the variants but when my goto shop had plenty priced at $8.99 and $9.99 and said no one’s really budging on grabbing a few, I didn’t budge either.

  12. Dark Horse 4 Regular + Variant – 1st Resident Alien…. hot as fire for about 3 days a few weeks ago, now I cant sell one for cover. I think they go into my “wait until the next announcement” stacks

    1. Good move. Selling what’s “hot” always moves in waves. Hell, I’m still waiting for news on the Queen & Country movie…

  13. Family weekend so nothing this weekend but hoping to pick up 40 or so boxes tomorrow at a small comic shop going out of business 3 hours away. These days it seems like I can’t get enough backstock…and everything has some obscure first appearance. Fingers crossed the deal goes through.

  14. I picked up a copy of X-Force 2 for 10 cents in the 10 for a 1$ bin at my LCS. Granted it’s probably only a 6.0 but still TEN CENTS. Didn’t buy anything new this week. Nothing impressed me. Would have bought Ravenous #1 but no LCS’s in Montreal ordered them.

  15. This weekend’s hunting booty: Fear #19 $5, Wolverines #3 1:25 variant $5, ASM #601 $3, ASM #361 $5, Walking Dead #28 $15, #55 $12, Orc Stain #1 (definite 9.8) $20

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