Wednesday Open Forum

Wednesday, new comic day, the best day of the week. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week.
As always, we ask you to post your pick ups, your books dropped.
What you see piles of on the shelves and what has disappeared.

67 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. The definite pickups on Wednesday (all others will be scanned, skimmed or only picked up if bought at cover and I think will be a nice flip, especially variants):
    Birthright #6 (I think i’m reading all of Williamson’s books currently.. )
    Copperhead #6 (Still a good read if you ask me)
    Descender #2 (#1 was solid, let’s see what #2 brings to the table)
    Five Ghosts #16 (Mmm… hmmmm)
    Nameless #3 (#2 got more interesting… )
    Rat Queens #10 (It’s back… it’s back)
    Saga #27 (Duh!)
    Southern Cross #2 (#1 left me wanting to find out more so yeah.. )
    Walking Dead #140 (Duh!)
    Hawkeye #2 (I actually liked #1, let’s see if Lemire can keep up the momentum)
    Ant-Man #4 (This is filling my void of Superior Foes of Spider-Man, great read, same style)
    Darth Vader #4 (Love me some Darth Vader)
    Deep State #5 (X-Files plus MIB type mixed together without the silliness, yes please)

    1. Extra pickups:
      Convergence #1 Brian Bolland Variant at cover.
      Max Ride 1:20 Variant at cover.
      Big Man Plans #2 Incentive Variant.. Sold #1 Incentive for an easy $30.. hoping to do the same here as I got this one at cover as well.
      Old Wounds #1 – Looked interesting.

  2. So i cant get a copy of deadpool 45 skottie young run the jewles 1 in 50 variant… So is it worth picking up on ebay for under $75 or wait a few months when it dies.down in price? Any advice

    1. I wouldn’t.. unless something big happens (unexpected death or new appearance of new character that becomes popular), usually story line type occurrences don’t hold weight on value for too long. I would only get the variant if you can get it for cover or dirt cheap, there’s likely a better chance you can get it months from now in the half off variant sale at the LCS than it holding or going up in value.

      1. Remember the ASM 11 Lugz variant?! That thing was going for CRAZY money right out the gate. Now? You can BIN for $19.99 or less!

        1. Yup, most variants lose their steam really quickly…. the only time they hold up is first appearances or deaths, and even deaths lose their value since most deaths don’t stick for long.

      1. I didn’t see it at any of my local shops last week.. none this week either. Totally forgot to ask about it though.

    1. I haven’t heard anything but then again, I don’t like the monthly or yearly price guides.. they usually have good info except the actual price or values, which are pretty much out of date before the books are even printed. πŸ˜‰

      1. Looked like a Bleeding Cool style magazine with price guide. They were wrapped so couldn’t peak inside.

      1. Ooh… yeah, probably won’t be getting any of my money at that price unless they throw in a variant comic each issue.

      2. I saw, it was wrapped but didn’t look like anything special except a heavy $7.99 magazine.

  3. Very slow week for me. Me wallet likes;
    Rebels #1 ( one of the best wars IMO.)
    Covergence: Harley Quinn ( for the wife)
    TMNT #44 2nd print ( want to read how they try to “kill” Donatello) even though we all know he’s not dead
    Savior #1 ( looks solid)
    Darth vader #4
    Deadpool #45 & phantom variant both at cover wich $9.99 for cover is pricy so let’s hope its a thick book
    Kaijumax #1 ( love the style and art work of the book)
    Other then that I haven’t sold any of my books on ebay so I’m trying craigslist to see what’s up.

  4. Savior #1
    Darth vader #4
    TMNT #44 2nd print
    Walking Dead #140
    Birthright #6
    Saga #27
    Rat Queens #10
    Descender #2
    Deadpool #45
    Miles Morales Ultimate Spider Man #12

  5. Just picked up:
    Teen Dog #8 (of 8) – my son an I loved this.
    Savior 1
    Battlestar Galactica Six #2 – about 10 years after #1 came out!!!
    Descender #2
    Southern Cross #2
    Star Trek/Apes – Spock photo variant #5

  6. All-New Hawkeye #2
    Ant Man #4
    Birthright #6
    Convergence Harley Quinn #1
    Copperhead #6
    Descender #2
    Jupiters Circle #1 – the Sienkiewicz cover is awesomely nostalgic.
    Rat Queens #10
    Rebels #1
    Saga #27
    Savior #1
    Walking Dead #140

  7. Off topic a bit, but was hoping someone could answer a variant question for me. So if a variant is 1:125, meaning if a store orders 125 of that comics, they get the variant? Or do they just print 1 for 125 printed? If it is the first, what happens say if only 20 stores order 125 comics to get that variant, does that mean only 20 exist?

  8. Picked up:
    Rock & Roll Biography Comics: Slayer # 1 variant
    TMNT # 44 2nd Print
    Max Ride # 1 Action Figure variant
    Kaijumax # 1 variant
    Descender # 2

  9. This Weeks Pickups
    1. Ant-Man 4 (awesome Miami Vice cover)
    2. Darth Vader 4
    3. Deadpool 45 (Ughhhh. I don’t want to buy this book on principle. I spend a lot of money each week on new comics. I’ll spend good money on an old comic if I think its a good investment. But 10 bucks for 1 new comic that is almost certain to have no long term value?! And I don’t care about the page count, because a lot of that is gonna be from bonus stories that I don’t care about. Pros to buying it: I’ve been following the series for a while now – not from the beginning though – and major character deaths are interesting – even though it obviously isn’t permanent. Cons: 10 bucks, no long term investment, I like this series but I don’t LOVE this series. Id love some input from other people to convince me one way or the other. And I know were just talking about an extra 6 bucks here, but that’s a lot in the world on new-comic buying.)
    4. Howard the Duck 2
    5. Hulk 14
    6. Birthright 6
    7. Descender 2 (Best 1st issue Ive read since Wytches 1. The subsequent Wytches have not lived up to the first issue. Hopefully that’s not the case here.)
    8. Rat Queens 10
    9. Saga 27
    10 The Walking Dead 140

    1. I 100% agree on Deadpool # 45. Marvel is using it as a last issue, a “death”, and a Secret Wars tie-in to justify the price. It’s beyond ridiculous. And the variants !??!! Man, people are scooping these up ! But in reality, the comic & variants hold no long-term value. My LCS had the Tony Moore variant for $250. $250 !!!???????? WTF!!!!! It’s starting to become outrageous and the bubble keeps getting bigger…..

      1. My local shop bumped his Scottie Young variant to $99 himself. Said it’s because he had to buy 50 copies to get it and since it’s a $10 book, it wasn’t like he bought 50 x $3.99 books to get it.. he paid way more to get the one variant.
        But yeah, I’m not even a Deadpool fan.. I’m not buying a $10 book that announces his death, when he’s not gonna stay dead, if he did die.. etc.

      2. seriously, wtf. whats the proper lcs etiquette on giving back a comic that you have a subscription to? ive been with this shop for a little while now. ive given back a couple books they’ve pulled for me before, but I normally try to buy a ton of back issues to make up for it. however, im currently caught up on back issues at the moment. I just feel like theyd be pissed about me giving back deadpool because they had to pay $10x however many they got. but then again, im sure they did not just order deadpool 45 for people with subscriptions to the series. thoughts?

      3. thanks for the input fellas. have I mentioned I love this site? cause I do.

      4. Just tell them the $10 book doesn’t appear to be a 9.9 or better grade so you’re gonna have to pass this time.. πŸ˜‰

  10. Darth Vader 4
    Deep State #5 The new arc sounds intriguing. Sci Fi isn’t usually my thing but I like the X-Files vibe.
    Big Man Plans #2 I loved the first issue! I’m surprised i’m not seeing this mentioned more.
    My shop has been trying to sell me the Black Hood comics. I usually don’t go for superhero or Archie anything….but I keep hearing how good this series is. If my shop still has all of the issues on the shelf I’m going to pick them up also.

    1. I’m digging the Black Hood story so far.. very good if you ask me. Very dark.

      1. April 22nd is what I remember seeing for issue 3. Sounds exactly like it’s up my alley. My shop mentions it to me almost weekly and all I could think was Archie?!?

      1. Definitely the type you can root for but at the same time know what he’s doing is wrong!

      2. I read the first issue last night. I loved it. It was well recommended. I’ll get to the 2nd issue tonight. This is getting added to the pull. I love the noir crime feel.

  11. April 22nd is what I remember seeing for issue 3. Sounds exactly like it’s up my alley. My shop mentions it to me almost weekly and all I could think was Archie?!?

  12. All New Hawkeye #2
    Big Man Plans #2
    Birthright #6
    Darth Vader #4
    Deep State #5
    Five Ghosts #16
    Howard the Duck #2
    Rebels #1
    Saga #27
    Savior #1
    Southern Cross #2
    Surface #2
    Walking Dead #140

  13. Nothing for me today, too busy with work to get to the lcs’s, and not to bothered spec wise. Loads to get to read, but they will still be there tomorrow. Feels kind of nice not be running around like a nutter between jobs on a Wednesday, first time in a while.
    Also not much been selling much recently, bit of lull maybe. Did get a lovely She-hulk 1 the other day though by reinvesting the money from selling an uncanny avengers 1 deadpool sketch, text book flip/investing that was. Also waiting on my Totoro variant. And sold a Kanan 1:25, for twice what I paid. Nothing else selling though, even my set of harley #16’s and various Spider-gwen 1:25’s.
    And got my Enormous #1 NYCC, it’s a really, really nice copy, I’d hope 9.8 but probably more like a 9.6 so I know your pain Anthony. Might get it graded but from the UK it costs so much with postage/insurance etc I will leave it for a bit.
    Peace to all, hope you got what you wanted.

    1. Yup. I sold four other copies. So know telling how many of the other NYCC I got were 9.8 and the one I had been sitting on is a 9.6. Still a nm copy of a rare book. I am Happy with that.
      Sent from my iPhone

  14. Also what really grinds my gears is forbidden planet is the only place here you can get phantom variants, as far as I know. However they never get them with the original release, for example the deadpool ones are up on their website now for pre order for before 30th of April. You guys have them now yeah? I ordered a red silk phantom and it’s been from midtown in the us and has got here before the preorder date has even expired in the uk. Seriously, what is up with that. It cost me 33% more to do that, I did it as I thought there would be only 3000 copies but you can go on FB and order as any as you like.
    I know it’s a big pond, but waiting a month? Bs man. I love phantoms, and I’m guessing if they are printed it’s not them, it’s FB being bullshit. Rant over. Lol.

    1. i sincerely feel your pain dude, ends up being one of the defining factors as to why spec over is abit different than the fast paced big bucks issues you get in the states! my main problem with FB is the ridiculous turn around time they have for processing orders, ive had several pre-orders for around a month now, pretty sure even though wytches #2 and #3 connecting variants are apparently “in stock”, ive been waiting 5 weeks for them to process! there needs to be a competitor pushing FB to improve there service and to try and be able to make the higher quality books more readily available to the UK market, diamond has a UK warehouse so the availability is there! the first time i had even heard of the hughes convergence variant, i would have to fork out Β£150/ over $200 for it! the time for comic book revolution is now my friend! πŸ˜€

      1. Ha, I’m with you dude, viva la revolution! I’ll bring the kalashnikovs!

  15. 1. TMNT 44 2nd print
    2. Savior 1
    3. Hulk 14
    4. Convergence 1
    5. Convergence Batman and Robin
    6. Convergence Question
    7. Convergence Superman
    8. $1 Civil War
    9. $1 Planet Hulk

  16. Deadpool run the jewels
    Howard the duck run jewels
    Tmnt 44 6x
    Max ride action figure cover
    Walking dead 240
    Max ride 1:20
    No ravenous at any of my LCS which sucks

    1. No ravenous at my local comic shop either. They ordered 50 and were allocated to 11. Of the 11 they were allocated they received 0. Also no Old Wounds. That is a tough book to find. I want an old wounds and a ravenous
      Sent from my iPhone

      1. I picked up Old Wounds # 1 at my LCS. They also had a few copies left of Ravenous # 1.

      2. No Ravenous in my area either but I’ll check tomorrow for Old Wounds for you, my shops had a few so hopefully they’re still there tomorrow.. going unnoticed.

      3. Thanks for the info! Yes we know diamond has screwed up our books going out. They got them well in advance but this seems to happen to all new indies as they make the catalog. If there is any more problems please let us know and we’ll try to rectify them for sure! – Directly from the creators of Ravenous…they did the darn thing to Enormous back in the day

      4. No ravenous over here either but i’ll keep my eye out for you guys, sometimes the small publisher stuff shows up a few weeks later…

  17. My message to Letter Hacks for Walking Dead got published with reply and confirms that Alpha’s first appearance in the zombie mask is her in issue 132. Yeehaw!

      1. Yes, in today’s issue 140. Someone even mentioned the confirmation on the Walking Dead Wiki pages for the first appearance. πŸ™‚

  18. just got back from comic shop
    batman 1 2011 ethan van sciver variant $30 i couldn’t believe no one has bought it in 4 years
    wolverines 13
    spidergwen 1 2nd print
    and a few comics for my kids true believer $1 comics
    darth vader 2 seems very hard to get
    they had 1 , 3 and 4 all 1st prints but no 2
    i will have to hit ebay for that one

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