Spider-Gwen or Silk movie coming?

Bleeding Cool had a story a few days back talking about leaked e-mails from Sony and the possibility (a reference really) to a Spider-Gwen Movie.
From the leaked e-mail-

RIP Gwen Stacy — gone but never forgotten. Can we bring her back as Spiderwoman?

Now, there are more low rumblings about the possibility of a female Spider-man related movie.
From Virgin Media

Sony Pictures are determined to produce more films that appeal to girls and have, therefore, decided to make a Spider-Woman movie in 2017.
A source at the film company told the Sunday Mirror newspaper: ”For years it has been all about male superheroes but it’s about time that changed.
”There should be more movies made with girls in mind, this was something that [former Sony Pictures chief Amy Pascal] was very adamant about.”

Now with that said, this is only speculation and conjecture at the moment. But, with the popularity of Spider-Gwen, would it be hard to imagine a movie launching staring Gwen?
If it is true, imagine what would happen to the price of those Edge of Spider-Verse #2 copies.
Thanks to John S. for sending this over.

22 thoughts on “Spider-Gwen or Silk movie coming?”

  1. This will make me sad. I just sold my last set of first prints for $100. I want to root for Cindy Moon instead.

  2. I hope its Silk as well. The story is a lot better and the art is good too. Gwen is more of the same story that Peter went threw just with a little changes here and there but over all the same story IMO. I am still sitting on copies of either just incase something does happen.

  3. If they’re tryin to appeal to girls then it should be Silk IMO. I was explaining to my girlfriend about Spider-Gwen and Silk, and was showing her the covers I had. Spider-Gwen did not interest, but she wanted to take all my potential Silk flips!

  4. Silk please.. I like brunettes over the blondes! 😛
    Seriously though, I’m digging Silk’s story better. I dropped Gwen already.. I’ll only pick up if there’s a flip potential.

  5. If it’s for girls, Gwen wins this hands down. Silk seems to be the favorite with guys. An alternate reality story where Peter dies and the girl is the hero would kill with the media.

  6. Id go for either, BUT, im sliently hoping its Gwen in the movie, Silk seems too (cool) for a spontaneous release of a film, but if it is Gwen EoSV 2’s price will explode into the stratosphere… can you just imagine the price of a graded signature 9.9 …..

    1. One sold for over $4k I believe. I have some 9.8 Triple signed that I’m holding on to. Would love for a movie to be announced.

      1. I know. Only one is an EOSV though, the other is the Anka Variant from SG #1. I hope I’m quick enough if one does get announced, because both of them are on feebay right now.

  7. Silk!!! Imagine THAT origin story and the non-comic collectors reaction that are unaware another person was bitten by the same radioactive spider that bit Peter Parker 🙂 Oh man, that would be awesome!

    1. Exactly what I’m thinking. Spider-Gwen would be a regurgitation of the Peter Parker storyline. Silk would be an awesome fresh storyline that can part ways with a Spider-Man movie and be on it’s own.

  8. If Sony did make a movie with one of these I would think it would be Silk. I have a feeling the average movie going audience would get confused with Spider Gwen.

    1. Would get confused about a character that’s well known, and been around for quite some time? Remember, they are rebooting with Marvel. Who says she’s dead in this universe?

  9. Don’t care which gets a movie, both don’t have enough issues to really be them if done anyways. It’d just be a hype thing to do by stealing a name and then a film written doing their own thing with it.
    Jessica Drew Spider-Woman on the other hand I’d go nuts over, so many great stories they cold tell wit her… though I hope she’s Marvel Studios and not Sony (even though their now partnered)

  10. Does Sony even own the rights to Silk or Spider-Gwen? they just created those characters within the last year. I’m thinking more spider-woman (Jessica Drew), and Marvel Spotlight #32 would be the play here.

  11. I love both Silk and Spider-Gwen. If both got a movie I would be very happy.
    Just finished Spider-Gwen #4 and it was heartwarming and fantastic (and that one page with KILLER all over Gwen’s traumatized face is so eye catching and amazing as well as the rest of the art and tones the colors give off).
    Since it takes time to make a movie (most likely Sony will focus most of their attention again on rebooting Peter Parker in the upcoming animated movie and live action movie and depending on how either one is set up both Silk and Spider-Gwen might make a appearance or cameo depending on the story they make or take inspiration from). During the development and idea the writers might change some things for their movie for both Silk and Gwen. Plus during that time many more story arcs in their comics will be made for the writers to look over and be inspired.
    Now the art in Spider-Gwen is amazing and I love the world that is being setup. Style wise I think a animated movie for Spider-Gwen that somehow captures the style of art and coloring might be interesting (though it could be possible for a live action captures of visual style colors).
    While the writers have to be careful of non-regurgitation for both Silk and Spider-Gwen (and even for Peter himself in his own three different origin movies reboots being made has high regurgitation possibly disaster). Show that Silk also got spider bitten but then the whole handling of the bunker and why she was their and her mission after she gets out will be difficult to handle without feeling like it’s pure exposition before the movie’s main conflict and storytelling pace can take off while in Spider-Gwen they will have to have both Peter and Gwen have powers in one universe or make sure the viewers know about different universes/earths and that they are watching one where Peter doesn’t gain the powers. Plus handle the spider bite and death of peter well and most of all make this Gwen her own character (mostly match Spider-Gwen of Earth-65 but the writers can still make their Spider-Gwen different in some ways due to again new universe in itself and not Earth-65 where it’s inspired from) in the end and not feel rehashed of Peter or even of other Gwen Stacys though some of a few composite is fine. Setting up a original story arc that hopefully the the writer(s) of Spider-Gwen comic will make and gain be epic praised for to inspire the writers in using.
    Similar to Edge of the Spider-verse #2 most viewers know the basics of the spider powers origin (even if you have never read any comics tons of animated shows and the movies have giving the basics making it less needed to eat up time) tale thus in the movie similar to the comic that part could be played in rapid motion of quick images, sounds, and moments moving to the beat of Gwen’s drumming starting slow and calm then gaining momentum and loader drumming in anger frustration chaos till Gwen is stopped or breaks of sticks or drums. The entire thing can play out in less then 2-5 minutes saving tons of time for the movie and viewers and getting straight into the heart and meat of the movie’s plot and it’s conflicts and characters.
    A showdown with Matt/Daredevil vs Spider-Gwen is probably going to happen in Spider-Gwen and while I feel that can be epic (Gwen’s Spider-Senses vs Matt own sensory abilities and fighting styles in the dark) if Gwen gets the movie I see Matt as Gwen’s second big movie showdown villain (though he is a big bad dragon for the first for whoever that’s world’s Kingpin).
    Overall both comics has a great deal of time to make and present many character moments of their own, establishing characters, storylines, and epic villains and showdowns for the writers to gain from. I doubt 2017 will have a Spider-Woman movie due to focusing of two Peter Parker movies from Sony and another from Marvel for their MCU but afterwards then maybe based on how successful each is Drew, Cindy, and Gwen will gain their own and be spectacular hopefully.

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