Four Color Grails April Unboxing Video

The April Four Color Grails box is in. Here is this month’s Four Color Grails unboxing video.
Note: at the end I did a little piece about how well the box sold for me.

Be sure to check out Four Color Grails for their subscription service.

8 thoughts on “Four Color Grails April Unboxing Video”

  1. I cancelled. They sent me another box with damaged comics after sending me a damaged Ninjak to replace the damaged Ninjak from the previous box. The Bloodshot was dropped at some point on the top left corner so hard that creases and bends were present in the backing board. I saw it the second I opened the box so it was packed that way. Pitiful.

  2. You know what’s funny? When the video ends, Youtube suggests all these Fingernails and Hair product videos as related videos.. apparently there is a cosmetic line called “Holy Grails”… 🙂

      1. My wife more than makes up for my lack of buying nail products.. she’s commented on my comic book collecting before.. I simply point out to her that her collection of nail polish would do nothing for us if a) apocalypse occurs or b) needed money.
        And if you ask how would comics help in the apocalypse? Well, good question.. one could read the comics for entertainment since there would likely be no power or electricity. One could burn comics to start a fire. Could be used as toilet paper as well.. plenty of uses for comics in the apocalypse. Nail polish.. well, I guess you could just sniff the hell out of it to get high to get out of reality for a bit, but it’ll make you stupid and vulnerable though in the apocalypse.

  3. LMAOF I love your comments Agent Poyo. Sometimes I burst out laughing and my wife or where ever I am, they just look at me like if I’m weird lol

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