Divinity #1 is on fire. With the regular cover selling for many multiples of its cover price, and the 2nd and 3rd prints also going for more than cover, I have been picking them up at shops on the sly and selling them for a nice return. (Do not want to tip my hand when it comes to some shops on what I am buying as they will pull the books off the shelf.) The fifth printing of the popular Divinity #1
is being allocated from Diamond and may be hard to find.
Seriously, pick up the series, it is the first new book featuring an original character from Valiant in a long time and is an awesome read and features incredible art work from Trevor Hairsine. Bleeding Cool mentioned earlier today, the fifth printing of the book will be allocated from Diamond, this means stores will not be getting all the copies they ordered, and the book will probably be going back for a sixth printing.
Here is what Bleeding Cool had to say:
For the second time in as many months, a new printing of fifth printing of the popular Divinity #1
by Matt Kindt and Trevor Hairsine has sold out at Diamond in advance of its on sale date, triggering an allocation at Diamond and the record-setting (for Valiant) fifth printing.
Just last month, the same scenario played out with the third printing, leading to the now sold-out fourth. Will you be able to find a copy on stands next week when it arrives alongside the series’ final chapter in Divinity #4?
Divinity, which reveals the origin of Valiant’s first brand new, from-scratch character to headline their own title since the publisher’s award-winning relaunch, has been burning up in both critical and collector circles since issue #1 debuted in February.
Again, it might be worth keeping an eye out for Divinity #1 5th Printing
Heads-up on selling this one, someone tried to scam me. I sold one before the price took off, when it first came out, at cover. A couple days ago the guy who bought it sent me an email saying it was damaged and wanted a me to replace the comic. I asked him to send pictures of it ( he did and it wasn’t the book I sent, no cover shot). I asked why he waited almost 2 months too contact me, he stated he had been out of the country. I told him that I take pictures of all my books prior to shipping for my records and sent him a copy, I told him it was funny how almost 2 month had gone by and just when the book took off, it’s damaged and you want a new one. Said that if he had contacted me a couple of months prior I could have done something, but if he wanted me too I would contact eBay and see what they think, have not heard from him since. So watch-out for these types.
Thanks for the heads up Recon. These kind of scammers are out there and it sucks. I have been fortunate but ship everything insured so it is never a replacement matter for me. Send it back for a full refund. Send me pictures in advance and I can file on-line to get the insurance process started or you will have to wait until the insurance process is complete. I also ask for pictures of the package showing the damage to that as well.
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I’ve never had a comic come back damaged. With Poyo Nuke Proofing Packaging, you too can avoid this hassle..
Isn’t waiting two months even outside of the eBay window for eBay buyer protection?
If something ever does get damaged during transit, I’m gonna require they send the comic and the original packaging back. Most of the time (99%) you can tell if the damage was done while in the packaging or not. I always make sure my auctions state buyer pays return shipping as well.
I’ve dealt with poor packaging myself (immediately, not months later), I always send the best pictures with the pictures of the packaging as well that aligns up with the damage and always ask for a replacement and where I can send the damaged comic, not a refund. This tells the seller why would I damage a comic just to spend more money sending one back to get another one, etc.
Oh the other thing that bugs me is people who wait days and days to pay after a BIN. It’s like, why didn’t you just complete the buy right then and there. It also seems the biggest excuse is always the “death in the family”.. I’ve had that 3 times on 3 sales when the person let 3 business days go without payment. When I start the non payment process, that’s the excuse I always get.. it’s pretty lame. Sucks if there really was a death in their family but I have to doubt it every time I hear it from a lack of non-payment.
That is too true. I have seen that a lot too.
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I’ve still got first prints on the rack. Cracks me up. It’s like selling winning lottery tickets that have already been scratched. Dead Drop too. Great books, especially Divinty.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve sold some online and stashed a few too, but still…
If you want to sell anymore for cover to me I’d gladly buy them. Will even pay for shipping
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The one selling the best it seems is Cover A. It’s an easy $20-$30 sale currently. Not many 1:10 or higher variants for sale currently, I suppose most are gobbling up and stashing currently. What’s strange to me is Cover B isn’t selling as high. Maybe people opt for the artwork instead of the geometric artwork cover or they think it’s not a first printing or something.. Hmmm..
Of course cover b was the one I found most visually appealing as I like Muller’s design covers.
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Yeah, I like them as well. Gotten all of them so far.
Yeah I’ll take a copy too if you still have one. I haven’t been able to find any divinity in general no 1st or 2nd or 3rd prints here. Very hard to find. Anthony has my email if you do wanna get rid of 1 for cover. Thanks
I got stuck with that awful blank variant cover for my personal collection. I let customers have first dibs and they swarmed everything but a single blank variant which then became mine by default. We had the same issue with Drop Dead though, I only ordered 6 copies expecting it would go unnoticed in our market. Still have 2 hanging out now. If you want to sell one of the Divinity though, I’d be interested in a copy with actual cover art.
I only have the reprints left I had grabbed two of the regular cover #1’s for less than cover last week and they lasted 30 minutes on eBay.
Oh and for those interested, the print run numbers for each so far:
#1 = 12,079
#2 = 9,384
#3 = 9,582
ComicChron doesn’t have the 2nd or 3rd prints listed.. but these are pretty low numbers. It makes those 1:10, 1:20 and 1:40 variants even more appealing.
Whats the word on Dead Drop? Shop still has lots of copies left. Ive already bought 3 myself. Should I just buy them all?
I have picked up copies of each cover. It is selling for above cover price but not hugely so yet. Divinity didn’t take off right away either.
I sold a full set of all four covers for $35 so about double cover. Cover A seems to be the most in demand, but that Ryp cover is awesome.
So your the one I saw that sold the 4 for $35.. very nice! I haven’t seen any others that high yet. Most of the shops in my area are sold out. There’s only one that has some still left on the shelf.
I feel like you’re probably at the upper limit of a safe bet at three copies. It’s a great book for sure, and Valiant has been doing well, but unless you’re in love with it why bother? The reality is it that it isn’t that scarce yet, and I’ve seen a lot of shops (including mine) that didn’t have the market to sell out. I only ordered 6 copies, and I’m still sitting on 2. It’s a low print run, but you could probably just as easily wait and see what happens without anyone making a mad rush on your local honey hole. Valiant seems to occupy an odd place in the comic market. Some areas sell out quickly, and they books often times have low runs, but it never seems to take much searching to find that $15 ebay book at a local shop somewhere.
Except Divinity #1. That was a learning lesson for me, from now on I chose my favorite cover of books I love instead of giving customers first dibs. Friggin sketch variant…
I’m also in the boat of zero copies. I can’t find Divinity #1 (any prints) anywhere.
If you’re interested in a 3rd print #1.. I can hook you up.