Overheard at Awesomecon! Rat Queens option has expired

Kurtis Weibe was working on a to do list for the month. He said it was an overwhelming month. But two interesting bits of news came out of it.
First, and I was saddened to hear, the option for the Rat Queens animated show had lapsed. Currently, there is no option in place for Rat Queens any more. That is the bad news. Kurtis Weibe did mention though they are hard at work to get it going again.
That leads to the second bit of news. Kurtis is also writing the script for the pilot episode. So while it currently doesn’t have an option (they are working on it) and it hasn’t been shopped around for a network yet, they will work on that, the script for the pilot is being written in June.

9 thoughts on “Overheard at Awesomecon! Rat Queens option has expired”

  1. That’s how it usually goes… when the option runs dry, that means anyone else can option it which might be a good thing. Some studios/networks that option, then go the next step might just shelve the show/idea forever.. allowing others to possibly option might be a good thing I say.

  2. Hopefully it just means it’s dry. I was never able to find 2-5 in a first print. Fingers crossed for being able to afford this book!

  3. You may wanna consider taking this post down since it is inaccurate. According to Kurtis the show’s license has just expired and recently renewed, it was never dropped

    1. Hi Dan. Please read the full post. Nowhere does it say it was dropped. Your statement is incorrect. It says it lapsed, as in expired. It also says that he is working on paperwork now. But your statement that the post is incorrect because I said it was dropped is incorrect.

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