Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. it is like your birthday in the middle of each week. Every Wednesday we open things up to hear from you.

What are your pick ups this week?

What books were sold out at your local comic shop?

What books were sitting there in piles?

Any back issue gems?

What ever else you want to talk about, this is the place.

53 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”

  1. The definite pickups:

    Detective Comics #42 (I’m actually wearing a Batman shirt right now)
    American Vampire #8 (Still digging it, I just wish it was on a more consistent release schedule)
    FBP #22 (Everytime I start reading a new issue I’m like.. meh, I’m probably dropping it.. then by the end of it, I’m like.. I must read the next issue).
    Mickey Mouse #1 (Duh, it’s Mickey Mouse and it collectors will be seeking this one out for years)
    Chew #50 (Let the showdown begin)
    Humans #6 (I don’t care about the haters, this is a fun read)
    Nailbiter #14 (One of my favorites to read each month)
    Outcast #10 (Sill not sure on this one, might be the last one just to make it an even 10 issues before I stop picking it up)
    We Stand On Guard #1 (Duh, most of BKV’s books and #1’s sell at a premium nowadays, why wouldn’t you pick it up? And besides, he’s probably one of the best writers currently, I love all his work, even if it’s not valuable, I’ll pick BKV just because I know it’s going to be a great read)
    Darth Vader #7 (Mmm.. Hmmm)
    Groot #2 (I’m GRRROOOOOOOT!!)
    Secret Wars #4 (Gotta know what’s going on in the Marvel Universe)
    Big Trouble Little China #12 (Still a great read)
    Broken World #2 (#1 was interesting so definitely want to know where this one is going)
    Cluster #5 (Each issue I’m wanting to know more at the end.. a must pickup and read still)
    XO Manowar #38 (Long time XO fan.. )
    18 days #1 (Seems interesting and I hope the art is as good on the inside as the covers depict)

      1. From what I remember it was the numbers that people were upset about and it had nothing to do with the story. I think it’s awesome.

      2. I’ve stumbled upon a few disgruntled people who swore the story and art stank as well (probably hard to please people regardless).. to each their own, I like the comic, it’s a great read I think. πŸ™‚

      1. Well, #0 started out as 1500 print run. Then when they sold out quickly, they printed another 1500 and stated they would also be first prints. That pissed some collectors off as they wanted it to be considered a 2nd printing. Even though the creators were the ones doing it all to get self published before Image took over with issue #1.

    1. Makes sense and I can see both sides. I’ve yet to read the #0 issue. I didn’t want to buy the trade (which includes #0) because i’ve got the singles and the #0 issue is a little pricey by itself.

      1. Go to the lcs. Grab the trade. Read chapter 0 and boom you are up to date. If they let the manga kids do it (which always looks like an opium den of kids laying around) you should be ok. By the way being “hip” comes from the old opium send where people would lay around on their sides (hips) and smoke opium from the hookah. They would ask people if they were hip to find out if they smoked opium or not. Now you know and knowing is half the battle.

      2. I think the issue is going for around $20-25? I haven’t looked recently but that’s what I remember. I listened to a podcast a few weeks ago and I think Keller and Neely said they sell them at cons for $25 (don’t take that as gospel, it was a few weeks ago).

        Anthony; thanks for the back story. So after all of these years, I just found out that I am indeed not hip….

      3. The only hip that applies to me is when my old hips start to hurt from sitting and reading too many comics.. πŸ˜‰

  2. This week’s picks;

    We stand on guard #1
    18 day #1
    Giant size little marvel #2
    Bob’s burgers ongoing #1 reg and Blank Variant
    Secret wars #4
    Mickey mouse #1 ( is this Mickey mouse first comic book?)

    1. It’s not Mickey’s first comic. I think it’s actually #310 which they put in parenthesis next to its new number.

  3. Rick and Morty #1 will be a hit. It had a low print run, currently entering it’s third printing, and the show will only gain more fans with season 2 and that simpsons cameo. Looks like the standard cover of #1 is already difficult to find and selling for above cover on Ebay

  4. Action Comics #42 (The Truth storyline will be big……I am telling you!)
    Secret Wars #4
    Giant Sized Little Marvel #2
    Barb Wire #1 (Adam Hughes variant cover)
    Onyx #1 (1:10 variant)

    and finally Forbidden Planet has processed my order for We Can Never Go Home #1 (Forbidden Planet Sid and Nancy variant – signed by Matthew Rosenberg). I’ve waited so long it counts as a back issue! Also got Mythic #1 and Section 8 #1 signed by Mcrea in that order.

  5. We Stand On Guard 8x-Maybe brought 3 to many ..but we shall see

    Groot #2-Fran cover-4x…Its surreal standing on line picking up a book i spec’d on

    18 Days-5x sets of cover C+D ..Counter girl was new and charged the same as cover A+B so i got em for 10 bucks for the sets of c+d

    Squirrel Girl #5-second print 8x-EASYYYY Flip on The Bay

    Secret Wars #3 Action Figure Variant …I love action figur variants so much i’d even buy Itty Biddy Bunnies Action Figure Variant and i really hate that book lol

    Mickey Mouse -All 3 covers …gonna send it to friend of the site Juan Navarro over at Creature Ent for a sketch …Tommy vs Micky Mouse ..GOREEEEEE!!!

    Onyx #1-These were flying off the shelves ..I unno why lol

    1. Nobody was really going crazy fo the Onyx at the first or second shop I visited this morning. I was going to pick up 4 of them but then decided to pick the cover I liked best. I skimmed it, art looked cool but I’m not seeing why this one is hot right now either.

      Neither shop had the C or D covers for 18 Days.. πŸ™

    2. Oh and buying 8 x We Stand On Guard is not too many.. look at BKV’s other books.. could easily be a $50+ comic in a matter of months or so. Small gamble I think, I bought 6 myself to start out with. πŸ™‚

      1. only thing that troubles me is that its a limited series..but if Poyo says its gold then gold it is lol

        1. BKV is like the Oprah of Comics.. Sorry Kirkman if you ever read this, you may have a hot comic along with a hot TV show but BKV is still the better writer!


  6. my pickups
    1. nailbiter
    2. outcast
    3. darth vader
    4. secret wars

    but next week will be hugeeee. new batman, brand new archie, walking dead, saga, descender, and dirty sex criminals, and many more?! cant wait.

  7. I will be picking up:

    Big Trouble in Little China
    8House (new Brandon Graham)
    Squirrel Girl
    We Stand on Guard

      1. I ended up picking up The Spire too for the art. LCS had no copies of the Bunker due to damaged comics. Saw one copy of Squirrel Girl 5 second print but the black costume cover had white flecks all over it with bad printing. Saw a RASL #1 for $10.

  8. Kept it light this week:

    We Stand on Guard #1
    Mickey Mouse #1 (x2 Blank Covers)
    Deadly Class #14 (I have loved this book since the first issue and it’s still good)
    Chew #50
    Secret Wars #4 Action Figure Cover (LOVE these covers since the Spread ones. Aiming to get everyone lol)
    Batman Beyond #2 (really liked Inque in the cartoon, hoping she’s great in the comic.)
    Godkiller #6
    Humans #6
    Zombies vs. Robots #7 (because it’s a Pee-Chee folder.)

    Anytime I walk out of my LCS and spend less that $30 I think it was a good day lol.

  9. Howdy! Light week for new books, but I made up for it in back issues.

    We Stand on Guard x3…might grab a 4th
    18 Days

    Back Issues:
    ASM #265
    A-Next #1
    Avengers #314 / 315
    Captain America #275 / 276
    Captain America Vol5 #34
    Daredevil Vol2 #5
    Daredevil Punisher: Means and Ends #1-6
    Daredevil Punisher: Child’s Play
    Defenders Annual #3
    Devil Dinosaur #1
    Fantastic Four #44
    Justice League #183 / 185
    Marvel Two-in-One #71
    Punisher Annual #2 (Moon Knight)
    Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends #1
    Strange Tales #127
    X-Men #317

    And my biggest score IMHO: Sandman #50 Retailer Incentive
    Never seen one before in the real. Super happy to have it πŸ™‚

    Also, what is the deal with Squirrel Girl #5?

    Happy reading πŸ™‚

    – Craig Coffman

    1. It’s a 2nd Printing but has Squirrel Girl in a Venom outfit. Also from what I remember when I got a copy on release day was even brand new the print run had to be small. My LCS is pretty big and they only had about 10 on the shelf. TBH I only got it because it was the punctuation mark to the previous later prints for 1-4.

      1. Ah! Thank you very much for the information πŸ™‚

        I have not seen the book. Is this (Venom outfit) something specific to the 2nd printing? As in, the Captain Marvel 2nd print with K. Khan in the Ms. Marvel outfit.

        – Craig Coffman

      2. Yeah she’s on the cover wearing the outfit. It’s part of a series they put out of reprints of the first 5 issues that form the sentence “Eats nuts, kicks butts!!!” Plus the low print run. I’ve still send the first four at the store but the Venom outfit one is gone.

  10. letting yall know early The GUN#1 from Creature Entertainment sold out at midtown already…and was on my Big Gems from the Small press series a couple months ago

  11. I just ordered a 11×17 Giant Sized Black Science #1 coming out next week, who knows how it will be packed and shipped.

  12. Where the hello is Sex Criminals 11? It’s like the third week in a row it was pushed back. It went from late June to mid July!

    1. That is a great question. Here is what I have heard. First, they did the 1000 drawings on the special cover that we’re going to be randomly inserted into pink poly-bags so people wouldn’t know which was which. However, you could totally see the sketches through the bag. Also, being goofy, they used licensed characters just for fun on some of the sketches so there was a little bit of a problem with that.

      Now if this is 100% accurate or not I am not sure, that is just the story I have heard.

  13. Well that’s good then that they do that or retailers would pull the variants and sell them for more like those polybagged Stan Lee signed Hawkeye’s awhile back. I’m gonna try to get 15 or so and hope for the best. Thanks for the info.

  14. Got a bunch this week, I had gift certificates πŸ™‚

    Action comics
    Detective comics
    Secret wars
    Darth vader
    Little marvel
    We stand on guard
    Ultron vs marvel zombies scottie young variabt
    Secret wars agwengers variant
    Gwoot variant

    Also I managed to get groot #2 francavilla variant (not easy to find where I live and I’m a huge francavilla fan – I think he still has prints of the ‘here’s juggy’ Afterlife cover signed and numbered on his website) and I grabbed secret invasion #3 1:20 variant for $5 Canadian (thanks for the tip anthony!)

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