America got older this past week.. I did what every ‘Merican should do on the 4th, drink some beer and get out the kiddie pool for the kids, while hosing them down while they jump on the trampoline! But now it’s back to business this week, a really big week for us comic nerds with lots of new #1’s as well… so let’s get to it shall we?
The Spec’s of the week.. and yeah, I’m not kidding with this one..
Walking Dead #144 (Image) – It’s the end of the 3rd Omnibus and something big always happens. Rick just met Alpha and the herd she has to prove she’s a threat, but they return to find out what? Did one of Alpha’s minions kill one in Rick’s group? Expect something shocking.. that will change Rick and Company for sure.. because there will be blood.. Issue #145 with Michonne’s sword on the cover with blood can only give us so many clues.. UPDATE. See the spoilers, you want this.
Saga #30 (Image) – The description is “Sooner or later, everything dies.” Is this a clue for a death? IF so, who’s it going to be? I’m predicting a possible major character death and if not, well, pick it up anyways.. it’s one of the best reads currently out.
The others to not pass up:
Civil War #1 Secret Wars Tie In (Marvel) – Only because it has some sweet variant covers.
Star Wars Lando #1 (Marvel) – Yup, who doesn’t love Lando (hopefully Soule can convince those who don’t to love him)? Be sure to pick up the Action Figure variants, they’ve been selling out and most sell above cover.
The honorable mentions and possibly hard to find indies:
Transference #1 (Black Mask) – Let’s see if Black Mask can continue hitting them out of the ball park!
The Gun #1 (Creature) – Already sold out online at most retailers. Be on the lookout for the Cover C variant as well.. I snagged one in my shopping cart and by the time I clicked check out, it was sold out so it was removed. 🙁
There’s also the new Archie #1 with a bazillion covers.. I’m not even gonna attempt it with these! So many covers.. so many.. one will go broke attempting to get every cover!
FYI, I submitted my picks to Tony before all the spoilers were announced. I had a hunch but I didn’t know what I know now… 😉
Saga has a Paper Girls preview too