Will there be a Joker Figure in August’s Loot Crate? Pretty good chance at this point. Last month’s Heroes 2 Crate contained a Batman 66 Q-Pop figure. This month, the follow up to Heroes 2 is Villains. Check out what the latest preview for August’s crate.
The title of the latest email from Loot Crate is “Celebrate the best baddie of DC Comics”. We know there will be an exclusive DC figure. We also know Loot Crate has been using images of the Joker to advertise their latest crate.
All signs point to a Joker exclusive figure. The previous Batman Joker Loot Crate Exclusive Pop! goes for between $10-$24. The Batman 66 Q-Pop Lootcrate
goes for as high as $10.
So what do you think, August’s Loot Crate worth the risk at $13?
The Batman Joker loot crate is the December 2014 one. And last time I checked they where still available for order. So if anyone wants one that missed out on it, check there website and see if they still have it available..
I’m still signed up so I’ll definitely be finding out.
Also noteworthy, LootCrate sent out a message to notify users they are now required to collect local sales taxes. So those monthly rates are gonna go up slightly for everyone who’s subscribed.
I did not get that email. I have another three month subscription. I kept it going after last month. Also signed up for comic con box now.
Sent from my iPhone
Wonder if it’s just states they operate in then (which is how it should work).
Hmm not sure. I think California
That’s what I thought but you know how these states are cracking down with laws to get their sales taxes.. They did it to Amazon… 🙁
Well I’m in San Diego and I haven’t gotten thay email ether. At least not yet lol
You might of already been getting charged for local state sales taxes.
From their website under their Terms:
Your total price will include the price of the product plus any applicable sales tax; such state and local sales tax is based on the shipping address and the sales tax rate in effect at the time you purchase the product. We will charge tax only in states where the goods sold over the internet is taxable.
So must of been recently changed for us folks in Texas where they didn’t have to do it before.
And the general rule applied as to one collecting taxes for a particular sales tax is:
* having a warehouse in the state
* having a store in the state
* having an office in the state, or
* having a sales representative in the state.
So either LootCrate opened a warehouse, store, office or has a sales rep in the state, that could be the reason I got such email from them as they now have to collect sales taxes here.