Update: Amazing Spiderman Renew Your Vows #5

Well I finally got the images from friends in the UK and can say this issue is confusing as heck. Cannot see why the push for the variants. 

In fact it is a pretty standard Spidey Story but you throw in Annie, Spider-Man’s daughter. <!–more–>
So unless I am missing something big, the only real thing is Mary Jane wearing Regent’s armor for a brief period of time. 


Original Story follows:

So a while back Terry Hoknes of www.hoknescomics.com sent me an email asking me if I knew what was up with Amazing Spider-man Renew Your Vows #5. He mentioned that it was odd for Marvel to do 1:100, 1:150, and 1:250 variants for a fifth issue of a mini-series. My obvious reaction was “Marvel must have something big up their sleeves.” Possibly a new character. I asked around some shops I am friendly with and everyone had the same answer, “Marvel has been tight lipped on this one.”

I got a message from a retailer I am friendly with tonight that the new character is a version of Mary Jane. He said people will either go for it or not. SO my thought was “Mary Jane: Spider-Woman” and this image came to mind:


We are a few short hours away from knowing, unless one of our UK friends wants to give us the early tip off when they get the chance. But Amazing Spider-man Renew Your Vows #5 may well be worth the pick up. Especially if you can get one of the variant covers for cheap. You can check on ebay and compare prices with the ones linked below.

Here are the covers: (Mycomicshop.com has all of these in stock.)

Regular Cover
Regular Cover
1:25 Variant
1:25 Variant
1:100 Variant
1:100 Variant
1:150 Variant
1:150 Variant
1:200 Variant
1:200 Variant
1:250 Variant
1:250 Variant
These last two can be ordered through ComicXposure
ComicXposure Variant
ComicXposure Variant
Stan Lee Collectibles Exclusive
Stan Lee Collectibles Exclusive

34 thoughts on “Update: Amazing Spiderman Renew Your Vows #5”

  1. Comicxposure is the best cover in my opinion. And I might as well get a regular cover to with that variant since Parker is in the black suit.

  2. Thanks for the heads up on this. I’m not sure which way it will go with MJ, story is set up for a final “Spidey Family” showdown with Regent so anything is possible. Being a father myself, I’ve really been enjoying this story and the family/father/superhero apect alot. Thanks again..

  3. I’ve had my eye on #5 since they solicited those crazy 1:250 incentive variants. That’s a bit far outside my threshold for modern comic spec, but that comicxposure Killing Joke homage is worth grabbing! Can’t wait to see what Slott has done with his conclusion to one of the best Secret Wars tie-ins.

  4. I think Marvel has plans for this version of Mary Jane going forward.
    They figure Spider-Gwen is a cash cow.
    Spider-Mom could be too….

  5. Over at Bleeding Cool, they are speculating that Mary Jane will be the protagonist of Bendis’ second spin-off Iron Man title. That MIGHT make sense of the variant push.

    1. I wouldn’t believe what Bleeding Cool says, I have read the issue & she DOES NOT wear Iron Man armour, it’s Regents armour

      1. After having a chat with an artist at fan expo, he said some things about an upcoming project that didn’t reveal anything, but when combined with rumours on bleeding cool a few months back seemed to paint a pretty clear picture.
        So while I have been skeptical of them in the past, I will give them the benefit of the doubt moving forward.

  6. I would not waste my money on this modern variant. I just don’t see this being a key modern issue. To me the news is not that exciting and is just ok. It’s not like an amazing Spider-Man #700 ditto variant. But again that’s just my opinion. I think a year from now no one will be looking for this book.

    1. I would not call this a waste, especially that killing joke cover. MJ+Venom+First Appearance+Batman Homage=key to me.

    2. I have to agree with you. Some of these are super limited so there will always be interest there, but I have a feeling some of these variants won’t be worth as much down the line as people are paying for them right now, but with such limited amounts with the B&W versions you never know.

  7. I ordered the Campbell covers before I had heard anything about this being a possible “key.” To me, Campbell spidey covers, specially MJ in a bikini, are generally good for spec.

  8. I don’t think this one is going to be as big a deal since it seems to lead up to existing character becoming hero, not a dead character revived in another universe as hero. Sure they’re likely telling a story that is going to be used later in the Marvel Universe.. if it’s not a first appearance of a new character or death of existing one, not gonna hold… nope!

    And no pun on those that are gobbling up the Quesada variants but I think they’re just cheesy looking, so horrible, my eyes are burning. Peter masked is not as bad but the one with him unmasked smiling.. ughh, no thanks, especially at the 1:100+ price tags..

  9. I was tempted to get the B&W variant cover with Spider-man Masked. Almost pulled the trigger but I still couldn’t bring myself to pay that much for a brand new comic. Usually, $30 for a variant is my limit and that is pretty rare. Glad I kept to my rule. Sometimes the fanboyism is hard to fight and that shiny nickle gets very, very tempting. Regardless, for just under $30 I picked up a Comicxposure variant (sweet cover) and the 1 in 25. I live another day without falling for the hype too much and didn’t over spend on a super expensive variant. I will hold my head up high, but I know someday the sickness will get me and I will have to have that shiny nickle. I just wonder what book it will be that breaks my spirit. My guess it will be a Campbell, “Little Lulu” lingerie variant. Oh yeah!… A grown up version of Little Lulu……of course.

      1. I don’t mind the ads, I suppose it keeps the cover price down, but to put a fold out insert right bin the middle of a two page spread is just stupid. They did it in the shield quake special too. Ruins the spreads.

        1. Marvel has so much money, I bet they could give the comics away for free and still make profit from all the ads in th heir comics. 😉

  10. I think there should be a different version of every character that is every race, sex and religion. That’s a lot of Iron men/women a lot of Thor’s, Hulks, and Spiderwhatever’s…but at least everyone would be happy….right?… So, is it time to just read indies and nothing else or is there still some hope?

    1. You’d think they could just come up with entirely new heroes instead of regurgitating the existing ones.

      They did it with Silk, so we know it’s possible when they actually try.

  11. Even if Mary Jane becomes a superhero, this comic is no more than a cameo preview or prototype and not first full appearance. Perhaps, similar to Marvel Knights Spiderman 20 when Mary Jane and Aunt May worn iron man suits? Nowadays, Marvel often produce variants of non-special comics as incentive for stores to order extra copies.

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