Who cleans up after the Hulk Rampages the city? Who fixes potholes where Thor’s hammer falls? That would be Marvel Comic’s Damage Control. Now they are getting their own tv show.
Deadline.com mentioned earlier that Damage Control would be coming to tv as a half hour super-hero comedy show.
Damage Control first appeared in Marvel Comics Presents #19 before going on to their own series in Damage Control #1
Sometimes the most important super heroes are the ones behind the scene. Marvel Television is heading to the half-hour live-action comedy arena with Damage Control, a single-camera comedy project based on the Marvel Comics books, which has received a put pilot commitment from ABC.
Developed for TV by former Daily Show and Colbert Report executive producer Ben Karlin, Damage Control follows the overworked, underpaid, clean up crew of the Marvel Universe. Specializing in dealing with the aftermath of the unique fallout from superhero conflicts, they’re the ones who are in charge of returning lost ray guns to their rightful owners, help to reschedule a wedding venue after it has been vaporized in a superhero battle, or even track down a missing prize African parrot that’s been turned to stone or goo.
There are a few Marvel Comics Presents #19 on eBay, Mycomicshop.com has some for under $4. Copies of the Damage Control #1
1st series (half Spiderman face pointing with his thumb backwards) is as cheap as $1.25 on eBay and $3 on Mycomicshop.
Also, raid your local back issue bins for this sure to be $1 bin issue.
Thanks to K. Watson for the heads up.
I thought I had read somewhere that marvel age annual 4 was damage control’s 1st app?
From what I have been seeing it is Marvel Comics Presents but these first appearances can be funky. Feel free to send over anything you find and I will update it.
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1st appearance is Marvel Age Annual #4, released in 1988. 1st full appearance is in Marvel Comics Presents #19, released in 1989.
Proof can be found in the listing for the Damage Control Complete Collection TPB, which includes material from MARVEL AGE ANNUAL #4, the earliest of all the contributing books.
Thanks as always Ralph! This first cameo / First full appearance stuff gives me a headache.
The Marvel age Annual #4 (August 1988)is a full 5-page story The Sales Pitch by Dwayne/ Ernie. Some people (incorrectly) argue it isn’t a full intro because not all of the characters appear, but the concept and main characters are there, calling themselves Damage Control in the offices of Damage Control, by the original creators. 17 extra pages doesn’t make a later story, “a first appearance.”
Marvel Comics Presents 19 (Mid-May 1989), actually shipped two weeks after Damage Control #1 (Early May, 1989).
BleedingCool done proved you right.
I remember getting Damage Control new way back when. Thought it was a fun read, but am I the only one who is starting to think Marvel is begining to scrape the bottom of the barrel a bit with with some of their newly announced projects (like this one)? The show will probably good, so I guess it doesn’t matter if they are or not. Just seems they are starting to bring out not just the “C” listers but the “D” listers in full force. That being said, I was still able to find MCP #19 and MAA #4 pretty cheap online. The postage came out to more than the books, which is funny to me (I am easily amused), but they can certainly still be found cheap. Like anything TV or movie related that probably won’t last long at all as soon as word spreads. I just wonder who marvel will give a show to when they start digging up the “F” listers. I’m a schmuck so I already know I will giddily fall for it hook line and sinker. They will probably give a huge budget trilogy to the mascot character from “Not Brand Echh” and I will be out looking for multiple copies of his first appearance in issue number one.
Nth Man the Movie. Ultimate 90’s f-list hero (no this is not actually happening) but I will give up comics if it ever does.
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I don’t know, I might be interested in seeing it if the opening and closing credits had tons of different and crazy styled font lettering of all different sizes and colors animated all wiggly with a hard core “gansta” rap soundtrack playing throughout the entire film. He already has the mullet, so that’s good! Could Nth man wear his green pants backwards? Hell, everyone in the film should wear their cloths backwards!
With each new show produced by Marvel, the comic first appearances gets lower and lower in demand/value. The market could be getting closer to not caring about spec’ing on these issues to flip.
Yeah, some of these are good flips if you can get them in the dollar bin right away, but I just don’t see something such as MCP#19 becoming a legit key issue unless they have something ground breaking in store. Even a semi key is pushing it. Time will tell I guess.
Some comics are temporary fads. Without film or TV show, unusual market demand is unsustainable and returns to normal. So buy low and sell high.
That is always our goal and motto.
Quick flip on these paying off nicely!