Something is going on. I was just emailing with Larime Taylor tonight about his wife, she has cancer again. You can help fund her therapy here (more on that in a minute) but, he also posted on facebook that “I hope you all held on to those Kickstarters. That is all I am going to say.”
And just like that, every copy on eBay disappeared. Here are the eBay recent sales.
So it looks like there may be some kind of announcement coming in the next couple of weeks. has some copies of the first series. Might b worth picking up a few or searching the back issue bins of your lcs.
Did some digging and here is a set of 1-7 up for Buy It Now, an auction for 1-3
, the original Kickstarter version
, a buy it now for issues 1-4
Thanks guys, just picked up a full set for very little, insomnia is my friend tonight (its 4am in London)
yes I know, my site is set for London time for whatever reason and I never changed it. That is why the posts update here at 8 pm but in London at 12 exactly.
Lol, Ric, pretty site you bought #1 off me 🙂
Lucky I got a load of these, already had faith in the book
U always wondered about the time on the postings lol. Now I know lol
ha, So did I!
good read by the way
FYI. I jumped on Midtown to get the signed Papergirls & they also have all the Voice in the Dark issues as well. I just picked up a whole set for less than cover price.