Joe and I finally received our Lootcrate this month. The crates usually come in on the 18th of the month. Ours came December 1st, and only after a call being placed to Loot Crate about the box being lost in West Virginia for many days. Loot Crate shipped out a replacement box. Still hopes we could receive the first one, but doubt it.
Highlights of this months box include the Lootcrate exclusive Orange Murloc which could be found in the Cute but Deadly blind pack figure, which was selling for up to $60 but has settled in at $30-40, not a bad payday still. The Vault Boy Bobble Head
that is selling for $15-25. Finally, the Lootcrate Street Fighter #1
variant, which is not really selling for anything. Over all a good flip for $15 initial investment, especially if you got yours on time and you got the Loot Crate Exclusive variant Murloc.
Also, please disregard the background noise. My younger son can be heard yelling in the background taking a bath.
My Streetfighter comic was beat up. They should really turn the comic over so the backboard is on top so all the stuff doesn’t rattle against the spine of the comic, causing indents and creases.
Also, almost everything in this crate went to the kiddos.. there was nothing I really wanted from it.
I am selling the Vault boy and that is about it. Joe took the rest.
My little one loved the vault boy, not knowing what or who he was.. I was like.. take him.
For the cost of the box, I will be glad to sell vault boy and use it towards another box.
At least put in a t-shirt I can use to wear to change the oil in the car or something. 🙂
Painting. We used to have a different name for free t-shirts back in college. Will just leave it alone.
The whole box was just a mishmash of failure. Not surprised about the comic being wrecked.
Yeah, probably worst box yet I think. It was definitely geared towards a very small group of gamers I think.
Most definitely. And teenaged girls with the Hunger Games pin. I didn’t see how any of it really fit together.
What was the supposed theme again?
I see how street fighter fits in. Some Mortal Kombat items would have been cool. GI Joe. Sure I get Fallout being a FPS or whatever but not really combat so to speak.
Yeah.. so many more games of combat could of been done. Super Smash Bros would of worked and my 10 year old would of got a kick out of that, since it’s one of his favorite games.
I myself was very disappointed with this box. My box arrived damaged and the comic came bend and the spine was ripped so that sucked. The fallout boy had a small bend in the box, the mocking Jay pin backing was bend, the cute but deadly box was bend. So yeah just sucked. I did sell the fallout boy for $16 though. My little one got the cute but deadly figure and my oldest wanted the box to play with and my wife got the pin and the fridge got the magnets lol. Overall this box was alright since I was able to sell the fallout boy.
Contact them. They have excellent customer service.
I probably will. It just sucked that everything came bend.
I was pretty underwhelmed by this Lootcrate. Which was sad as it was the first one I got with a 3 month subscription. Assuming the other two let me down, I may not be renewing.
The flip potential is there but they should be more wide ranging in the interests. Also, still think instead of doing a pets crate they should do a kids crate.
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I’m with you on that. My dog and cat already get the really expensive pet food.. they don’t need no stink’in accessories and crap each month. We’re talking about animals.. my dog seems to have the most fun when he’s licking his butt..
Lol. Nice.
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I’m with you. This was my first loot crate also and there was nothing in the box I cared for. The bobblehead was cool but I’ve never played Fallout so it fell flat for me. I’m sticking with December but unless i’m wowed, I’ll be dropping it after this.
Well December theme is cool and they are throwing in a star wars thing in there and January they are going to throw in a X-Files thing in there as well. So hopefully they don’t disappoint on those crates.
I may have to stick through to January if there will be an x-files item…..
“latecrate” haha I like it!.. I also admit it does look like a boring box, accept for the Vault Boy.