New International Star Wars Force Awakens Trailer features more unseen footage

Sorry for all the movie posts, but this is another good one. A new International Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer hit the Internet and features new unseen footage.

23 thoughts on “New International Star Wars Force Awakens Trailer features more unseen footage”

      1. Haha it’s not fair on us, i’m actually losing sleep over it, I keep seeing the scrolling intro and hearing the music in my head when i’m trying to fall asleep lol can’t wait for that moment in real life

    1. Iv’e never been to a film that late, I can see myself not remembering what happened after lol, at my cinema TFA has showings at 1am 2am 3am 4am etc, pretty much solid for a week haha

  1. I can’t wait but yet I can.. cause I’m still gonna wait a few weeks after release.. see during the week, probably morning show before noon to get a mostly vacated theater cause I hate movie goers.. I go to watch a movie in silence.. some people haven’t learned to stay quiet and to not smack their popcorn and snacks like damn cows out in a field..

    1. I do the same thing… Not sure how long I can wait though, but the worst are people who keep checking their texts assuming that since their phone is on silence it still isn’t distracting.

      1. Most of the time, I goto Alamo Drafthouse for my movies, so I can eat a decent meal and drink beer while I watch it. The best thing about Alamo is, they will kick your ass out if you talk or text. I’ve seen them do it. Since they have waiters, you just jot down on your card for them to come take your order but instead if it’s someone disrupting the movie, they are asked to leave.

        Also, if you’re not seated when movie starts (not previews) they tell you to leave.

        It’s awesome.

        Now for Star Wars, I like to go to the bigger theaters (Alamo is nice but you do get the occasional waiter walking in front of you with the occasional order questions, etc) where the screens, sound and experience for movie with lots of action is a must, but where they are not as big on kicking people out and you must get up out of your seat, missing the movie to track down a manager.

        But then again, I have no issues or shame telling people to “put your phone away” or “be quiet” with the I’m going to kill you look… I swear, I’m a nice guy.. but you act like a damn clown in the theater, we’re gonna have problems. πŸ™‚

      1. Yeah, more are following in such foot steps.. we have a Flix Brewhouse that does the same thing and a few others. I do like being able to eat actual food with a beer during movies.

    2. Iv’e gone for something similar for this film, reclining leather seats in a 40 seat private room, no kids under 18, drinks bar, no proper food though, if I could eat a burger & fries in there i’d be ecstatic haha!

  2. Judging from the characters used though, it’s certainly not Japanese but Chinese..
    Anyway, Can’t wait for the movie to come out!! O_O

    1. I can’t remember the name of the character set that Japanese shares with Chinese, but Japanese has several character sets, Katakana, Kanji, and Hiragana. One is a shared set with Chinese. That is why Japanese writing is a beast to learn.

      1. Yup! I studied both.. Um.. The stereotype for the characters if there’s some wavy character, would mostly be Romaji/Jap.. Circular characters are Korean.. Default would be Chinese. Atleast that’s how we’d mostly identify it. πŸ™‚

  3. Im abstaining at this point until i see it on friday. Luckily the real imax in our state started doing assigned seating so I don’t need to line up.

  4. I managed to get assigned seats for the Friday showing. I can’t wait to see it next week. Going to be epic. πŸ™‚

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