Blind Adam is back with another great list of hidden gems. Last weeks list had pretty good results so we are happy to welcome him back this week!
While you are out looking for new books, here is a list of back issues to dig for.
1 Namor #9- 1st modern age Iron Fist. We learned this week Iron Fist will join Powerman Luke Cage on Netflix. So this is his first appearance after his death in Powerman and Iron Fist #125.
2 Powerman and Iron Fist #125 final issue of original series. Low print run, last issue, mid 1980′ series all make it hot. Plus Netflix show, why is this so cheap when invaders
#41,ghost rider #80 are higher priced?
3 The Punisher Vol.1 #59-62 re-introduction of Luke Cage. Yes for some reason the Punisher becomes black, ah memories.
4 Milk and Cheese Ashcan featuring Star Wars. Milk and Cheese in one of my favorite books. This featured a neat Star Wars story, tough in the wild $20 easy.
5 Teen Titans Spotlight #2– Starfire 1st solo story. I am loving the Amanda Connor Starfire series. Starfire is a cos-play favorite. However this classic issue is her first solo story $3-5 make it a ten dollar bill please.
6 Newsweek Magazine (April or May) 1980- Darth Vadar cover. Star Wars is only few days away. Anything Star Wars is white hot, a-list. This is a nice Empire Strikes Back Vader cover and it is cheap submit it
7 Deadpool vs Hawkeye #0– This is the 1st Spider-Gwen costume and is way too cheap why
8 Marvel Tales #98– Reprints Amazing Spider-man #121
death of Gwen Stacey for all the kids on the Gwen
train right now. Cheap way to read about her death
9 Marvel Tales #192reprints Amazing Spider-man #121-122 death of Gwen Stacey $10
10 Edge of Spiderverse #2 5th printing– yes, everyone knows about this book.
11 Martian Manhunter mini series #1-4– Did you see this weeks Supergirl? Well spoiler alert John Jones is on the show. This mini is the basis for the John on Supergirl
12 Batgirl #41 Previews# 319– with the only printed edition of the coolest Joker cover ever and DC doesn’t print it. This previews issue should be a $25 wall book. Wish DC had the guts to just print the cover
13 Daredevil #89– second Killgrave The Purple Man. Jessica Jones is awesome. Killgrave is what makes the show, and this is his second appearance
14 Hellstorm #14– death of Trish Walker Hellcat. Will Jessica Jones season 2 touch on the magical side of Miss Walker? Not likely but they can have her commit suicide like in this issue
15 Twilight Zone #84– Gold Key Series- 1st Frank Miller comic book work published. Frank Miller is a comic book god. This is his first work ever $30-60 make it triple digits people
16 Birds of Prey #1 (2010) (New 52)- First appearance of White Canary, appearing in Legends of Tomorrow TV show.
Thank you for reading and thank you for allowing me to do this, I am having a blast. Thank you Tony and all of you guys for being my comics heating up and awesomesauce family
Check out Adam on Youtube by searching Adam Anthony or awesomesauce comics
I agree with you on Deadpool vs Hawkeyes #0.
Isn’t Namor # 21 the storyline where Iron Fist is resurrected?
I’ve been lurking and not posting as much as I should and have previously here. You know I love the site either way Tony!
So I’d like to say well done here and expand slightly on this. I completely agree with this list and going towards Hawkeye VS Deadpool #0 I would suggest investing in the Alamo city comic con variant. Lower print run. This issue, while I agree with you is a bit of a risk though. I believe Marvel said it was just a cosplay appearance. Same with the female Thor standing next to her.
Yeah, I’m calling that a false spec. Looks like a Halloween party……
100% it is halloween, however, it is the first time the costume was shown
Welcome back by the way. Glad to see you around again.
Thank you sir. I always come back to the best.
This guys dope!
Interesting list. Sometimes, back issues have more potential than new comics. Although some comics have been known for years, recent events just might increase demand? For example, Twilight Zone 84 mint $160 in Overstreet guide.
Is that a typo for Dark Horse Comics #8? It’s not the first Star Wars at Dark Horse. For one thing, from what I can see that issue actually contains part two of a story that started in Dark Horse Comics #7. Also, The Dark Empire mini-series came out a year before that. I remember when Dark Empire came out and there was a whole lot of hoopla that it was Star Wars’ return to comics and Dark Horse was now at the helm.
Double checked and you are correct. It has been removed. Thanks John.
What does everyone know about Edge of Spiderverse #2 5th printing?
Great list as always!