Looks like there is an early winner for the upcoming The Walking Dead #150. The update homage to the classic issue 1 cover will be out on January 13.
The final order cut off date has passed and all orders are locked in, but the other covers are still available for re-order via Diamond. However, The Walking Dead #150 Cover D is sold out at Diamond and cannot be reordered. Sure, 40 paged $2.99 book will have a huge print run, but even the last hugely printed book, The Walking Dead #100,as well as, The Walking Dead #132
which had the Lootcrate Variant
variant, have appreciated in price. Cover D seems to be the one that shouldn’t be missed.
That’s the one I liked the most.
I actually pre-ordered 10 of those and 10 of the blanks.
I preorder 1 D and 10 blanks to. I dip here abd there on the walking dead but still going strong and still well written. I still cant wait to see if outcast 1 will pan out for all the copies I picked up and the preview in the walking dead… well see. Hope every has a nice ane happy new years and a safe one see you guys next year.
Tfaw is now sold out of issue 150 D
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I’m going to have to get some of these. Considering the success of Walking Dead this seems like 5 copies would be a no brainer
I have 2 copies of each pre-ordered, I was going to get a couple more of these but too late now I’ll just have to try my luck on release day.
Midtown still has them available as Advanced Orders..