16 thoughts on “Second Trailer Released for Suicide Squad”

  1. This movie looks F?*&en good. Margot Robbie is such a great Harley. I was iffy at first now seeing it, this is going to be a great movie. Move out the way Marvel, DC is coming threw lol

  2. Just. Wow.
    I can’t believe how good this looks!
    I went to see them film the joker mobile bits. That was cool. I just found out that a girl who lived in few doors down growing up, whom I have a small amount of contact with still is dating and cohabitating with one of the producers. I should try an get a hookup! Think he’ll give me will smith’s mask or Jared leto’s grill???

      1. Lol I can tell you right now how it will go. If I’m persistent enough I may be able to snag a sweet restraining order.

      2. That sounds fun! I sincerely enjoy them! I love seeing ‘WHAT’S IN THE BOX?!?’ and you and your son have a good dynamic

      3. Update on suicide squad connection:
        Has not said no to a prop
        Likely will be getting mr passes for the premiere in Toronto. Either squad or bvs.
        So not a total loss!

  3. Movie looks so good. Love queen as the music in tralier. On a side note sorry if I already asked sorry in advance. Why is new suicide squad 1 so expensive? I understand the 2011 number one buy this one?

    1. Because it is the closest facsimile to the team in the movie. The first Suicide Squad looked nothing like the current group (silver age). The Suicide Squad that first pops up in Dc’s Legend series is closer and saw a price boos as did the Suicide Squad #1 from around that time. But the more recent new 52 one is the closest version to them and more of what they are based off.

  4. The new suicide squad matches the story a bit more and members. Why it’s like 30 bucks? The other 2011 one is like the first time harley Diablo and do shot are used…it was just weird to me when I was looking to buy some new suicide squad books on the bay.

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