Thanks to Alana for the write up.
Looks like Cable is coming to the big screen and time to get in on some Cable keys before they go up. Not just Cable books either, you can further speculate if we have Cable and Deadpool in movies now that X-Force wouldn’t be too far down the road. I find the addition of Cable to Fox movies very exciting, can easily tie in to other mutant movies down the road with the time travel. Reason being, if Fox were to tie X-Force with their new X-Men line up and even possibly New Mutants as well in to a couple movies, it could rival, even surpass, the story line of MCU movies leading to the Infinity movies. There’s many more Cable keys then what I’m going to list here but these are the ones to get on now.
Marvel Age # 82– Cable concept art with labeled name Cable.
Uncanny X-Men #201– Baby Nathan Summers, 1st appearance of cable? I call this Cable’s 1st appearance. If they count Darkseid’s 1st cameo as being in the Jimmy Olsen book (which is Darkseid on a screen/monitor in the background of one panel can’t even tell its him) then one day whatever gods/forces that determine comic book 1st appearances could easily say that baby Nathan is Cables 1st appearance.
New Mutants #86– last panel cameo first Cable. I hate last panel Cameos always trying to take the thunder out of amazing keys like hulk 181, Spider-Man 300, etc. Same goes here New Mutants #87 big winner, #86 trying to steal it’s thunder.
New Mutants #87– Cables 1st full appearance. This book brings me back to being a child going to the comic book store. My Mom took me to 5 different comic stores to get this issue when it came out all 5 sold out. This book was instantly $25-$50 when it was released, which is funny because I also remember when New Mutants #98 came out and there was stacks of them sitting on the shelves. Cables 1st appearance was the book to have then, While Deadpool’s 1st appearance I think was around $5-$10 price range for more then a decade and a half probably. I’m guessing both these books will be equal in price one day. So get New Mutants #87
if you don’t have it, even the 22nd printings
are moving some cgc 2nd prints for $100 *gasp* on eBay.
New Mutants #100– first appearance of X-force. Like I said good chance after Deadpool 2, or Cable and Deadpool, whatever they decide to call it, the X-Force movie would most likely follow that. Not saying the millions of polybags X-Force #1
are going to be worth much but you may want to get the poly bag X-Force #1
s with the Cable card and Deadpool card also look into getting Shatterstar, Domino, X23, Warpath’s first appearances along with this book New Mutants #100.
Cable and Deadpool #1– Title says it all, this book is hot and hard to find as of last few days.
23 thoughts on “Deadpool 2: Time to pay the Cable bill”
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Yup, looks like Cable is about to be the new big thing. Outside of NM #87 a lot of those books are not to expensive. Starting to climb though.
UXM #201 is 1st appearance of Nathan Summers. Cable is his superhero identity. You have to separate the two.
I almost don’t want to see these two on screen together. The Deadpool Joe Kelley “zany” Deadpool that we all know and (for whatever reason) love and Cable do not mesh.
The NM stuff was way darker. Cable is a mans superhero- dark, stoic, post apocalyptic….Deadpool is not.
I really don’t see how a movie with these two can be done without making it a goofy good cop bad cop Seth Roganesque comedy
Just my two cents
I think it can work. Have you read deadpool and cable, or played the deadpool game. The fact that they are complete opposites works really well.
The Deadpool game is VERY fun !!
Except when it did for about 50 issues, developed a cult following, spawned a three issue follow up, and became an entrenched part of both the Cable and Deadpool mythos.
Maybe they can get Channing Tatum to be Cable and totally destroy it.
I’m talking big screen- not comics .
No, no, no.
NOPE. Channing Tatum will be Gambit. And after hearing his accent for it I’m tickled with anxiety. Good anxiety. The Gambit movie may hit a homerun.
As far as NM#87 reaching the same price point as NM#98?…I think that has a very good chance! I also remember #87 flying off the shelves. I do remember #98 seeing interest back in the day but not nearly the same as #87..for a while anyway. Up until about four or five years ago NM#98 was still an affordable/semi affordable book even in high graded CGC’s. Not the case anymore! That book is slowly approaching Batman Adventures #12 type prices and will keep climbing, especially since the movie was so well received and others will be made! If Cable is done justice in upcoming films I think you hit the bulls-eye, #87 will be worth about the same as #98! A couple of years, maybe? Prices have already started to jump on Ebay (or course) but there are probably places out in the wild where you can find a graded 9.4 for under $200.The days of finding this book in an ungraded NM for under $100 are looking like they are over. this book is now probably too expensive for most of us to pick up multiples of the first print for speculation, but if you haven’t gotten one for your personal collection and want one, now is a good time time to get it! Even after the movie is no longer in theaters and a new hot thing comes along, the summer entertainment cons are coming and there will probably be tons of teasers and information about the future of the movie franchise and Cable within thrown around so I don’t see prices dipping for too long if at all. Just my two cents.
Time to get a couple of my NM 87s pressed. I’ve been spouting about NM 87 for over a year, finally I get to relish in the moolah as I sell my near mint copies I got for 40 bucks. And people said I was weird for buying a near mint for $60 6 months ago. Who’s laughing now?! This guy.
@ Nicc T…Good prices on those! I think one of mine is a good candidate for pressing. It’s a solid 9.4 but since a couple of the spine dings don’t break color it might be able to be pushed to a 9.6. The other one, the first one I got way back when probably isn’t a good candidate. High grade but has a tiny tear on the back cover…Will probably be relegated to a 9.2. I was debating buying another one a few months ago, but started going for multiples of #86 and Marvel Age #82 instead. Since they were still dirt cheap…They have started to move now as well. I just sent my first book to be pressed then graded. A bit nervous about that since I have never sent a book to be pressed before. How has that worked for you?
The person I use is from the Google plus community I’m also in. I’ll swear by him til the day I die. He got my Xmen 266 with wrinkles and spine tics all over the place to grade a solid 9.6. The dude is amazing and reasonable
Can someone, somewhere explain to me, why new mutants 87 2nd print is still cheap as dirt? was there a massively large print run for it? im lost, so very very lost
I think it is print run. There have always seemed to be quite a few floating around. That and up until somewhat recently a NM # 87 was still affordable at roughly $60 to $70 in ungraded NM range. With that price climbing and probably not stopping for a while the second print is sure to see some movement. Maybe Tony knows what the estimated print run for both versions of #87 are.
Hard to say because there were two different distributors at that time. NM 87 2nd print was the 77th best selling book of the month. The first print had a print run of 187,000 copies. Let me look and see if I can find out.
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To through a wrench in the works, there is a Mark Jeweler variant for the first print. The Mark Jeweler variants have an insert and would be a much smaller print run since they were regional. The second print was also published about a year later than the first print.
Thanks Tony… I wouldn’t be surprised if the print run for the second print exceeded the first…or at least came close. Plenty out there…for now at least. I have a few MJ insert books in my collection. Not NM #87, just books that I got along the way. I think two of them were bought from Mile High as regular issues but those were sent instead…Mile High doesn’t seem to look over many of their books before they sell them. Regardless, I never understood the extra price associated with the Mark Jewelers inserts. Just an extra ad really. I know people like to get whatever the “more rare” version is, but with MJ inserts, they aren’t even comic related. However, like you said, they are out there and will command a premium no matter if I think they should or not. Moral of my long winded story? If anyone in past years bought a New Mutants #87 from Mile High check and see if they sent one with the Mark Jewelers insert by accident. You never know.
I have a lot of Mark Jeweler variants on books. I never sought them out they were just copies I ended up getting.
Same here… I have a feeling thats how most collectors get them, just by buying a back issue they need and it turns out to have the insert. I wouldn’t be surprised if I have another one or two sitting in my collection I’m not even aware of.
I use Mile High so much can’t beat the biggest back issue selection and unlimited shipping for $4.95. Your right they don’t keep very good track of their inventory, probably because it’s so big. I find a lot of stuff mispriced for our benefit (NM books priced lower then same issues in VG) Also their grading system is also in our Benefit. Just about every book I get from them they call Good, Very Good, Fine I’m shocked because they look a grade or two even higher. I’ve snagged many good deals from mile high over the years.
I have mixed emotions over Mile High. There are deals for sure and most of the time the grading does go your way, but sometimes not so much. They don’t store their books very well long term and sometimes the “NM” books they put away ten or fifteen years ago are just in bags, not with boards and they end up being VF’s by the time they get hot or are eventually sold. I’ve had more good than bad with them and take them with a grain of salt. I complained once before when the majority of my order which was supposed to be NM were mostly in the VF range. The guy was pretty rude and tried to ban me from ordering again. I talked with the management and got that taken care of, but the drama wasn’t needed or appreciated over a few replacements. Whatever, like you said there can be deals to be found if you look for them. You just have to accept the store for what it is. Far from perfect.
Keira Knightley
As Cable lol