Winner: Enormous #11 Hoknes Variant Set

First, let me say a couple of things.
I am behind on shipping out the previous variant winner. They go out tomorrow. So to the two winners, I do apologize, sometimes my day job gets in the way.
Second, there was an error in the listing for this contest. The Enormous Variants were shown correctly but there was also a signed Symmetry cover shown that is not a part of the give away.
So with those out of the way, let’s get on to the winner.

enormous 11
The winner of this set is none other than Nicc T.
Nicc (not Nick) hit me up at so I can get the guys over at HoknesUSA your info to send you your set.
If you didn’t win and still want these beauties, I know I do, you can check them out at HoknesUSA

7 thoughts on “Winner: Enormous #11 Hoknes Variant Set”

    1. It is completely random and I just do a random number generator based in the number of people who entered. The number that it corresponds to wins. Nicc got it this time. I do love when regular commenters win too. But I do love giving away free stuff.
      Sent from my iPhone

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