CBR Ran a spec worthy story on four potential new characters being eyed for Netflix’s Iron Fist.
From CBR
Thanks to some audition videos and new character breakdowns, the MCU Exchange/That Hashtag Show seem to have figured out the names of 4 of the supporting characters we’ll be meeting when Iron Fist’s solo Netflix TV series hits our screens.
You can watch their video report below for all the juicy details, but here are the four names: Coleen Wing (AKA Lady Samurai, former hero for Hire alongside Luke Cage and Iron Fist, and Misty Knight’s fellow Daughter of the Dragon), Davos The Steel Serpent (former Iron Fist, regular foe of Rand’s), Joy Meachum (CEO of Rand Meachum, INC.) and her ruthless Uncle, Ward Meachum.
Coleen Wing First Appears in Marvel Premiere #19
Davos the Steel Serpant First Appears in Iron Fist #1 (but another character named Steel Serpent first appears in Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #10
, not Davos)
Joy Meachum First Appears in Marvel Premiere #18
Ward Meachum First Appears in Marvel Premiere #19, two birds with one stone on that issue.
Think I have premiere 19 because there’s a hulk 181 ad in it have to check next time I go through the collection.
Yes, Marvel Premiere is one of three (that I know of) comics that marvel had lined up to advertise Hulk #181 before it hit shops. Directly below the Marvel Stamp is the advert with good ol’ Wolverine in it! Obviously not his first appearance or cameo since it was an ad but technically it is first printed image from what I’ve seen.. A novelty for sure, but one that has some legs. If these characters do show up in Iron Fist series the book will see some movement for sure, add with the wolverine ad into it all and this book has the potential to be a legit semi-ish key!
I’ve had Marvel Premiere#19 in my personal collection for decades, but picked up a couple extras when they had announced Misty Knight. I figure if Misty was cast, it wouldn’t be long before we’d see the Daughters of the Dragon fully incorporated in the Marvel Cinematic Mythos. I am a much bigger fan of Misty, though. I was ticked when the last volume of Heroes For Hire/Villains For Hire ended, and they abandoned all her subplots. She was finally in a relationship with Paladin after much back-and-forth… then a few months after VFH ended, she was suddenly back with Danny Rand in his own title, with no mention of Paladin or anything she had done over the past several years.