Blind Adam us a comic book dealer in New York and New Jersey, and yes, he is blind. He has been contributing a fun list of hidden gems each week.
Hello my friends and family. Its your boy Blind Adam, back again. Thank you all for being my friends. Thank you all for the support, encouragement, and for reading (and group editing) this each and every week. Now it is that time to make money on comics.
1. Daredevil #348– Foggy learns Matt Murdock is Daredevil. This might have legs. Foggy found out in the show, but this is the comic book where it happens. It is cheap, $1-3
2. Jungle Action #24– last issue of the Black Panther solo series in Jungle Action. This is an overlooked book and that footage of Panther in Civil War is awesomesauce
3. Avengers #87– Black Panther origin retold with new facts.
4. Daredevil #57 Karen page learns Matt is Daredevil. This is a key book. I am sure Netflix will get to this point, $30 and up.
5. Daredevil #125– I am jacked for Daredevil season two, but I wish they would bring in Heather Glenn. She dies in #220
, and wow, can’t poor Matt have one girl that stays alive, damn.
6. Superman #297 Lois Lane stays the night at Clark Kent’s apartment. This is part of a classic story line that advances the relationship of Clark and Lois and runs in #296-299
. This is a family friendly site so we can use our imagination. But with Batman Vs. Superman in two weeks I wanted to feature something Lois Lane $10
7 Marvel Team-Up #128– Spider-man and Captain America team up. A photo cover which I love. Not much spec play but Cap 3 Civil War is coming. Spider-man looks good in the trailer.
8 Howard the Duck Movie Special– go ahead send me hate mail for adding this. But Howard the Duck is a fun read. It is by far not the worst movie featuring a superhero. Wizard World Philly has a great flip idea for this book. Lea Thompson is going to be at the show. This special is $5 tops, have the sexy Lea Thompson autograph it, ss that sucker, and make mad bread.
9. is a two way tie. Like I said, Civil War is coming. There is a rumor of the Hulk appearing in Civil War so this is a classic cover with the Hulk punching Caps mighty shield Captain America #230 and the Incredible Hulk #232
10. Detective Comics #475–#476
– This is the classic laughing fish story. This is one of the greatest Joker stories of all time and is overlooked. With the Joker going into the Suicide Squad movie his appearances are heating up and the animated adaption of this story reeked of awesomeness
11. Air Pirates Funnies #1– The holy grail of underground comics. Mickey Mouse at his best and it is never being reprinted. Trust me bro, one day the Air Pirates will get there revenge $100
12. Air Pirates Funnies #2– More rare Mickey Mouse awesomeness. Underground comics at the best. Just wait, Disney The Air Pirates are making a come back. Oh boy
13. Punisher War Journal #2– Daredevil vs the Punisher cover raps up in issue #3. Way too cheap and classic Jim Lee art as well. Netflix March 18th is next week
14. Action Comics #595– 1st Silver Banshee, Supergirl on cbs is awesome. I love the show and can’t wait for c2e2 this weekend. The flash Crossover will feature Silver Banshee as one of the villains $5-10
15. Daredevil #266– One of my favorite DD stories of all time. Not much spec play $5 tops. Beer with the devil, just awesome
16. Captain America Fallen Son Blank Covers. Blank covers make the money. With all the hype on Civil War and the death of Cap this might be the best bet for money making. If you find them still blank $5-10
17. Avengers #56– shows new facts about Bucky Barnes death. The real star of Civil War will be the Winter Solider and this is a cool Bucky story. $15 and up depending on grade
18. Supergirl #2– First black kryptonite. I belive the Supergirl TV show is going to sue every color of kryptonite on the show. So all the first appearances of the major colors are good investments
19. Secret Origins #36– Post Crisis Origin of Poison Ivy. The new mini series “Life and Death” is making me a fan of Poison Ivy. She is a cos-play all star when googling key Poison Ivy issues, this came up. $5 can be a $10 easy
20. Avengers #52– Black Panther joins the team. Maybe I shouldn’t have watched the new Civil War trailer three times before writing this, but Black Panther looked awesome. This is key and a decent runner up is Tales of Suspense #98 the first meeting between Captain America and Black Panther. Both sold $20 and up, well, until next week thank you again.
thank you for reading thank you for listening blind adam out
12 thoughts on “Blind Adam's Hidden Gems Vol. 3”
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“By far not the worst movie featuring a superhero,” you said in reference to, “Howard the Duck.”
Fair enough, the “Elektra,” spin-off of the already miserable, “Daredevil,” movie was pretty bad.
Don’t forget “Cat Woman”
Unlike most people I think the Halle Berry super-hero abomination has a sick charm. Kind of a so-bad-it’s-good vibe, whereas, “Elektra,” is just BAD.
Great list. I added some to my must have PC list lol.
Secret Origins 36 has a Neil Gaiman story, which was its selling point to me.
Can you include volume numbers or date of the issue? IE: supergirl 2…volume 1? 2? 3? New 52?
Too lazy to do the research myself. Lol
Lol. Click the links. Most take you directly so you can see the books he is talking about.
Sent from my iPhone
Collecting movie/tv adaptations of specific moments in comics has become a speculative thing. Anyone know which issue of the WD where Morgan builds Negan’s prison? As usual this was a pretty good list.
Is that what he was welding at the end a couple episodes ago.
I always liked that CA #230 cover!
I think I bought it off the shelf years back…
Thanks Blind Adam!
supergirl volume 5 #2 and next week has supergirl volume 4 #79 the first pink kryptonite google why I picked it . thank you all for reading I love you guys blind adam out
Love the lists. Great pickups each week.