Stemming from the Guardians of Knowhere #1 Rob Guillory Gwenom Variant, the Gwen Stacey Venom hybrid will be getting her own year long story arc.
Looking at completed listings show the book has jumped from $6.99 to $9.99 to $11.99 quickly. The cheaper copies have moved out and now prices are starting to rise.
There are only a couple of graded copies up for sale, a 9.4 CGC for $39.99 with free shipping, a 9.6 CGC for $44.99
with free shipping, and a 9.8 CGC for $59.99
plus shipping.
From Newsarama
Move over Spider-Gwen and Gwenpool, here comes the even more pun-tastic Gwenom.
According to Spider-Gwen artist Robbi Rodriguez, the alternate dimension Gwen Stacy/Venom hybrid is graduating from a one-off Rob Guillory variant cover of last year’s Guardians of Knowhere #1 (right) to full-fledged character in what he called a year-long Spider-Gwen story arc beginning later this year.
“Gwenom is happening!” Rodriguez told Newsarama gleefully at this weekend’s C2E2.
While Marvel declined to comment-confirm Monday, Rodriquez told us the publisher just recently approved the idea, and that the arc will be “toned down by about half” from his original pitch. The storyline will be a collaboration of by the full series creative team of Rodriguez, Jason Latour and Rico Renzi, and they’ll begin work fleshing it out after the current “Spider-Women” crossover event is complete, according to the artist.
“In the tradition of Spider-Gwen, we just made another book out of a pun we came up with in a bar,” he said.
Rodriguez appears to have high hopes for the character (there may or may not be talk of a spin-off series depending on response according to him) because as it turns out, it may be the artist’s last contribution to the comic book industry.
I got these cause I love Rob!.. now I’m willing to dump them for some easy cash! It’s like taking candy from a baby.
I think at one point you offered a copy up to me and I didn’t get it. lol. Lucky you unlucky me.
Poyo LOVES Gwen!
Poyo does love Gwen* when she makes me easy money!
MileHigh has them for 7.50 but it’s 8$ s/h. Ouch!
Now we just need Iron Gwen and Gwroot to become a reality so I can dump those as well… Elvi has been pestering me to sell my copies to him..
Nah, I’m good, thanks. I bought 3 when they came out and picked up another one a few weeks ago for like $2.00. I should have bought the other 2 the guy had but thought having 4 was enough. I figured it was going to be a long slow burn on this one.
No longer a slow burn. Over $22 now.
It took about 3 hours, but I just sold the first one I listed. May have to dig out another…
They where all sold out at my LCS on day of release do didn’t get any. So Poyo since Tony turned his down, Can I get his lol
I got one of the cheap ones on eBay before I posted. They have really gone up in price now.
I’m gonna go dig mine out and list it.. I can’t recall if I had 2 of them or 3 of them.
I’ll probably be picking up this Spider-Gwen run then! I think I dropped vol. 2 at issue #2. I’ve been putting together an ASM Venom collection: I have Secret Wars 8, ASM 252, 300, 361, 362, 363. Why not follow Gwen through her parallel story line? Grabbed a couple Gwenom GOK variants from Mile High and bit the bullet on the shipping. It’s too bad that Guardians of Knowhere was such a piece of trash Secret Wars tie-in. I’m not even sure that I haven’t sold the run yet. Just my opinion.
SWEET, I have 5 copies in my “spec” box and I just was able to pick up another 5 Near Mint copies off Mile High Comics website! CGC here I come.
I made my money and then some on her first appearance.. Now i can’t wait for everything Gwen to just die and fall in the dollar bin section.
Oh yeah.. the Spider-Gwen Phantom Variants I did good.. I was able to score 15 or so and was selling them all around $25 and up.. I did bank on EOSV as well, sold one for some decent money and surprisingly sold a beat up copy (it shipped damaged and I let the 7 year old read/throw it around her room) for $55 or so..
I also stopped getting Gwen after #2 vol. 2. I did pre-order the Spider-women crossover, will most likely be getting this arc also. I don’t remember how many of these I ended up with either 2 or 3.
I am picking up the J Scott Campbell connecting covers.
I just posted the JTC action figure variants on my Instagram–they are sick! Gwen with underwater gear, Agent 77 of S.I.L.K. (Earth 65 Cindy Moon). I think the JTC variants do become fresh for a while again once he changes the “trade dress.”

Yeah ever since the wife saw how good J Scott Campbell draws black cat, she wants everything that has her and silk in it. So she ordered the connecting covers as well.
They’re at 50$ now
Sweet. Glad I dropped the few bucks I did on one. Had 6 watchers so I feel like I stole it from them.
The 9.8’s are up to $250…one sold yesterday for $70 shipped. Crazy!
I think I have three of em. Paid less then cover on them all when I picked them up a few months back. Kinda of a no brainier spidergwen story would eventually bring in the symbiote suit. $50 is pretty crazy the gwenpool variant of Deadpool secret secret wars from the same time sits around $20-$30.
Also worth a look is Venom sinner takes all #3 1995 first ever female Venom. Can be a cheap find and with news of a Gwenom year long arc this may have some new found potential as well.
I have seen it pop up from time to time for good money and cheap. Odd selling book.
Sent from my iPhone
Wow! The price on this book skyrocketed in just a handful of hours! I ordered a coupe off of Milehigh this afternoon for $7.50 each. I went back to the site about 45 minutes later and they were taken off! Mile High can be iffy sometimes so I hope they fill my offer. I have a feeling they will have their remaining stock back up tomorrow or the next day for insane prices if they didn’t sell out. Crossing my fingers I placed my order fast enough and that it will be filled!
Good luck.. I don’t bother with Mile High. Their reputation is horrid so just avoiding them is the best solution so you don’t find yourself kicking yourself when they do something stupid to agitate you.
I try to spend an amount low enough at any given time that if somebody screws me, I can cut that loss. I only go big to save on shipping with a select few- TFAW and Midtown hold the gold standard in my book- I got an immediate replacement of a Howard the Duck Lim variant with no questions asked when mine came with a ripped page from midtown.
poyo, I hear ya! I only buy from Mile High as a last resort. Yesterday, by the time I got onto ebay the cheapo ones were gone and the price hikes had started. I called my local comic shop but they sold out on release. A few other online stores were out as well. Mile high had them so a put in the order with cautions optimism. MH is so up and down and they do play games sometimes it can be ridiculous! Anyway, about a 45 minutes later the book were off the site. I checked this afternoon and they are back in at $49 each, so that tells me they didn’t sell out. They “usually” don’t cancel orders if the books are in stock and the order were placed before it gets taken off for a price change. Who knows with them. I haven’t received a cancellation notice as of yet so I am guessing they will send it out…next week or so. They take forever to ship items.
Sell now or hold till story arc comes out
depends on how much money you are in for. If you have a few, sell to make your money back. If you have one, there is a potential for the book to continue to rise.
Mile High just relisted at $49.99! Ouch! Glad I nabbed them at $7.50. That $50 price tag makes the $8.00 shipping look generous by comparison.
too true. But was the $8 shipping combined or Amazon style per issue?
Combined, thank god. $7.50 X2= $15.00 + $8.00 S&H= $23.00.
I honestly can’t remember if my Guardians of Knowhere run is in my Secret Wars short box. I despised that tie-in and tried to sell it, that much I know at least.
At Mile High it is $8.00 for packages up to $20…$6.00 for packages over $20 and Free on any order over $40…. Since there is no buyer protection like on Ebay they add insurance unless you don’t want it. That’s another $2. They usually pack secure so I have to admit not being the biggest fan of Mile High they do try to keep the item from getting damaged in transit. So, that’s a plus.
I always try to place a substantial enough order with them to qualify for the free shipping. What I didn’t realize until recently is that if some issues are out of stock and it cuts your total down below $40, they will tack on shipping charges. My most-recent order actually totaled even more than the original total when the shipping was added, and I asked them, why in my right mind would I pay More Money for Less Comics? They ended up removing the shipping charge, and as a Tip to all of you out there who may buy from Mile High… I also asked them if in the future I could use the Notes Section to list Alternate Books in case there are books Sold Out, that way in the future they could just Substitute another book to keep the total above $40… and they said Yes. So, I plan to do that every time from now on!
Mile High actually has some kind of software running that will automatically change the prices on their website when it detects an increase in activity on an issue. I’ve had a few bad experiences with Mile High in the past, so I really only shop with them when I know I am “sticking it to them” to “steal” books that have suddenly risen in value, and they haven’t caught on yet. I try not to spend much time putting my order together, to just throw what I can in the cart, and checkout, before any prices change on me. I only know about the software because I threw a fit one time when the prices kept changing while I was hopping, I took screen captures, and I asked them why I was put at a disadvantage by taking my time to continue to look for other items to add to my order, only to have it change the prices while I spent time shopping. They told me it can see if someone has added a high number of copies to their cart, or if several different users have added copies of certain books, then it detects that the value has changed due to sudden interest. Of course, that is probably also why some books are outrageously over-priced on Mile High Comics, because one random incident caused it to raise the price, thinking a book got Hot when it didnt. I should really start screen capturing those when I come across them; they would make some pretty funny facebook posts. If we all go on there right now and each add 10 copies of NFL SuperPro to our cart, Mile High might raise the price to $15 per copy, lol.
Lol. Boof and the Bruise Crew #1. Everyone go and add it to your cart.
I’ve got 20 in my Cart… not sure how long Cookies hold something like this in cyberspace, though, for everyone else to pitch in, lol. They use an Ampersand for the title; “and” won’t come up in search; or just search “Boof”… which only has 3 results. I actually have an issue of Boof in one of my random piles of comics from bulk lots I bought to strip for key issues.
The 1992 image series right?
Here’s a really interesting listing. It looks like this lot was put up before the seller or anybody else for that matter heard about Gwenom.
It was sitting at a couple bucks this morning. Tons of bidding activity today alone, taking it up to $20.00 with a day to go. Clearly, the Guardians of Knowhere issue was not the main draw/ main goal of this listing 5 days ago.
I actually got a bunch of the Gwenom covers back when it was released. I think CHU even highlighted it, and it was one of my personal favorites. I also really liked Gwoot & InGwengible Hulk.
Most of the usual new-release-comics sellers/sites sold out of Gwenom within the first month, but had a lot of the other variants still readily available. Between Black Friday & New Years, Midtown Comics had 2-3 different sale periods where many of the Gwen covers were 75% off, making them about $1.20 each. So I got a bunch of the others. But not so likely that they intend to do anything with G.W.E.N.D.O.K. or the AGwengers! I just figured they’d be cool to have around.
GWENneto is the best because it sound Spanish!
Quick question, (the prices on this are insane now! I really feel like if I dump coin like this on a book, better bet Monstress #1_2nd print) Anyway, do you think this is going down as “1st appearance”? or is it going to be like that GwenPool variant, where Howard the Duck #1 gets the nod as 1st appearance? Thanks
It has jumped up in price. To be honest I would try to track it down in stores first. Yes, Howard the Duck #1 is considered the first appearance of Gwenpool because that’s what the market decided but you cannot deny she was on the cover first. Monstress #1 2nd print is out there in stores. If you have several shops around you I could imagine you might be able to find one.
I would consider the Variant Cover to be a 1st Cameo Appearance of Gwenpool, and Howard The Duck#1 to be the 1st Full Appearance of Gwenpool. A lot of times the “powers that be” declare a certain thing to be “official”, but it might not be true for everyone. Case in point: CGC does not consider ANY comic book appearance of Agent May, Fitz, & Simmons to be their first appearance (I am guessing because they originated from the TV Series… but so did Firestar, X-23, Harley Quinn, & many more)… but I personally consider the Marvel Custom Edition: Agents Of SHIELD#1 (sponsored by Lexus in 2014) to be the 1st Appearance of Agent May, Fitz, & Simmons; and for SHIELD#1 (2015) to be their 1st Appearance in 616 continuity. Both of these books have been graded by CGC and neither acknowledges anyone’s first appearance. I’m not the most knowledgable about CGC, but I am guessing if they change their stance on something later, they will change it from that point forward. So if someday they decide to declare an issue a first appearance, when a character within becomes important, anyone who got it graded before that point will have that information missing from their CGC case.
9.99 + 2.72 shipping. Grab it quick!
I understand why Deadpool , Venom, Deathstroke, Deadshot, and Harley Quinn are popular. They are bad ass. I get it. Why is Gwen Stacy so popular? I got ASM 121 and 122. They are a good read. But besides that I don’t see why she is this big thing lately? Any ideas? Am I missing something?
Not the same Gwen. I fell in love with Spidergwen because of the story. It’s a What If? turned into continuity. Peter dies and Gwen is bitten. It was fun.
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I like the look of Spider-Gwen, and enjoy having an other-dimensional Gwen Stacy existing on a regular basis. It was easy enough to accept the Ultimate Universe and Ultimate Gwen Stacy, so this is just another other-dimensional take. I’ve fallen away from the series, though, since it didn’t hold my interest. I may get back on-board before Gwenom starts, though, lol. It also doesn’t help that I ordered a few issues from ComicXposure and never got them, and after falling behind, it made it more likely to just let it go for now.
Gwenpool has been interesting so far; and she actually isn’t a Gwen Stacy. She’s Gwen Poole, who comes from a world where the 616 Marvel Universe exists as fictional characters in comics & movies, so her seeing these heroes alive is a shock for her. She’s basically from a world like Our World, where there are no real superheroes. Also, her codename and costume were a mistake-in-translation. A woman who designed a costume for her thought she was saying her codename was “Gwenpool”, and ran with the idea.
personally I think all of these covers are fun but we cant expect every character to stick like Gwenpool and Gwenom . Even these characters I question their longevity in an already tough comic industry.