Free Comic Wednesday: Batman #50 Superman #50 Connecting Cover Set

We are locked and loaded for about 2 months of Free Comic Wednesday’s so I wanted to start this weeks off with a bang (and a biff and pow, sorry I hate that junk). 
Anyway, up for grabs this week is the Guilliem March connecting covers for Batman #50 and Superman #50

This contest is sponsored by
The rules:
1. Enter your name below
2. One entry per person (we have ways of knowing)
3. Books ship free in the US, International winners agree to chip in for shipping. 
4. We like to draw winners Tuesday Night or Wednesday so keep checking back
5. Winner will have 48 hours to arrange shipping details and then we draw another winner. 
6. Actual pictures of the book. One set to give away to one winner. 
That’s it. Good luck. 

171 thoughts on “Free Comic Wednesday: Batman #50 Superman #50 Connecting Cover Set”

  1. michael c. this may be the only way to get this set for me because i will never order from comicxposure again.thanks for putting them up.

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