Thanks to Jimmy Linguini over at Comic Book Scalping for this one.
Poyo had this as a pick of the week way back on 12/2/15. Regardless, SHERIFF OF BABYLON #1 is a comic to be on the look out for on comic store shelves.
Also, special kudos go out to those that grabbed a copy when I offered up the copies of Sheriff of Babylon when I had the Tom King signing event.
Copies of issue #1 are selling in the $25-30 range. Sets are going for upwards of $50. All with just natural non-hyped organic growth. No variant covers, no media deals, no gimmicks.
Print run on this book was estimated at 10,234. Very small numbers for a DC #1, regardless of the imprint.
I was able to walk in and grab two off the shelves today. They are out there and worth looking for.
7 thoughts on “One to Watch: Sheriff of Babylon #1”
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You got one signed for me! Thanks!
Lol. Kudos to you. I can’t remember who all I got them for but it was a couple of people. It is a damn good book and I held on to a signed copy or three for myself. Need to dig them out of what Poyo calls my hoard.
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I was right on a pick. What’s that now, I got two picks that heated up so far in the past 3 years? Heck yeah..

Lol i got one for ya next week…Madballs….Madballs son
I can’t wait.
It has been a few more than that.
I’m glad I was able to pick up #1 a few days ago at my LCS. Now I’ll go back and pick the rest of the issues.