First "Chinese Superman" to be in Superman #1

So we all saw the hype and price increase of Batman Superman #32 since Wednesday. But a retailer sent me over an interesting piece saying that the character that appears in the issue is not the New Chinese Superman and is something else entirely.

The retailer informed me that the Chinese Superman in the story is not the ongoing character. The “real Chinese Superman” will appear in Superman #1. What we are seeing escape the glass in Batman Superman #32 is another test subject and not the one who will be the new character. He was a test subject infused with a part of Superman. He may/probably will not make it to rebirth when the real Chinese Superman is introduced.
Bleeding Cool ran this story earlier which supports the theory:

So Batman/Superman #32 has been selling for around $15-$20 on the back of speculation that it features the New Super-Man, a character set to be very popular indeed.
Except. Maybe it isn’t.
Batman-Superman d
After all, the figure seen is a days-old stabilised child of the Great Ten character Mother Of Champions, filled with Superman’s solar flare energy.
And not, as the character was described by writer Gene Luen Yang, as a “17-year-old Kenan Kong, a teenager from Shanghai who inherits the powers of Superman.” Nor would he be described as someone “when he starts off, he’s kind of a jerk. Once he gets this piece of Superman in him, it will change who he is.”
Still, might make for a decent bad guy…
Sell! Sell! Sell!!!

19 thoughts on “First "Chinese Superman" to be in Superman #1”

  1. Wow! Gonna be a lot of buyer remorse in the coming days. But as stated in the article perhaps the origin of the New Chinese Superman’s nemesis.

  2. DC seems reaching out to Chinese community for their brand new Superman… I won’t be surprise if one day they will also have Indian version of Superman… A nation that has the bigger population will have its own Superman someday 🙂

  3. LMAO omg i LOVE this !!!!!!! i heard about people who bought 20+ of these at different locations and then pre ordered a bunch of the second print as well, freaking amazing

      1. Bought 4, two will sell at current bid price so far that I break even for all 4. I’ll hold the other two to see where this ends up. Auctions ends today, I paid zero dollars.. I’m good! 🙂

    1. Actually, DC Comics has referred to the new title as “New Super-Man” many times. I haven’t seen a Logo yet, but I believe they’re including the dash to differentiate Superman from Super-Man.

  4. I’m glad I only got my 2 at cover, and waited before I got any somewhere else for way above cover.

  5. I got 2 copies myself. Going to list one today and if it sells great, if not oh well that’s the fun part of speculation lol.

  6. Can someone tell me how you can “inherit” Superman’s powers? That doesn’t make any sense to me Supes is a alien and that gives him his powers.

    1. They put a piece of superman in him. From what I can gather. Which piece it was I am unsure and will leave it up to the readers and fan fiction writers to decide.

  7. So Bleeding Cool which hypes it up so everyone buys it is now telling everyone that what they original said isn’t true. Rich Johnston’s douchebaggery knows no bounds

    1. That’s EXACTLY what that pos did. Bleeding Cool, especially Rich Johnston, is an absolute joke.

  8. Meh this is the name of the game, thanks Rich I got to ride the wave all the way to the bank! Fellas thats the game, books hyped treasure hunt and seek out cheep, flip! COMIC SPECULATION!!! Comic collecting for grown ups!

    1. Superman 1 from what I heard. Need to see what happens in this weeks Superman titles since this could all change. Ugh.
      Sent from my iPhone

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