The continuing saga of the Chinese Superman

What a weird week. Not going to lie, it has been a strange one. First, Batman Superman #32 hot because of the apparent first appearance of the “Superman of China”. Then I was contacted by a retailer in reference to it not being the first appearance amd the subsequent first appearance will be in a later issue. Bleeding Cool also ran a similar but unconnected story with essentially the same account of the first appearance. Now, DC is saying something different.

DC put out the following Facebook post on the Superman account.

Because of this several questions come to mind. First, was the Superman that flew out of the holding chamber Kenan Kong? Or was he in the issue in another capacity? Third, why was a retailer sending me a message that he had to have been given by someone? Also, Bleeding Cool got similar but unrelated info from somewhere as well. So is this the real first appearance of what has been dubbed “The Chinese Super-Man” aka “Superman from China” or just the first appearance of Kenan Kong? Or is DC just back peddling because the book sold out and was going to a second print and people may not one a reprint of a book where a new character doesn’t actually appear? 
Stay tuned. 
Thanks to Simon P. For shooting over the Facebook post. 

30 thoughts on “The continuing saga of the Chinese Superman”

    1. Yeah.. I agree. Stop killing off characters and stop creating new ones based on old ones just changing their race or sexuality. It is what it is.. come up with entirely new heroes and write awesome stories (with great art) that attract people to the character story, not just the focusing on the sell. (I know they’re a business to make money but they should focus on selling great stories with great art, not politically correct baloney to appease the dumbasses of the hobby who care more about the non issues).
      For example, I don’t care if Catwoman likes women, men or both, maybe she likes donkey’s.. I just want her to be a kickass vigilante or hero, depending on her mood. Same goes for all the other existing heroes. πŸ˜‰

            1. Yeah but we’ll never see girl on girl action.. not in the comics, so they can say all they want, I guess I’ll go sign up for Skinemax to get my girl on girl needs. πŸ˜‰

        1. Ugh. And it gets more convoluted. From the DC Comics Blog (thanks to G+ group Sequitur for it )
          In reference to the escaped Superman: It seems Dr. Omen has been busy making her own metahuman, but it is not the impostor! So where is he? And what is Dr. Omen attempting to create?
          Next week, the story continues in ACTION COMICS #52! In part 6 β€œThe Great Pretender,” an unlikely meeting comes to pass when the current Kal-El meets Clark White! And soon the crazed and unstable imposter discovers this new Clark Kent, and seeks to destroy him. Who will survive amongst the three Supermen?
          Sent from my iPhone

  1. Well, regardless if it’s his first appearance or not, someone in that comic was wearing a freaking suit with a big S on the front and they flew away.. and they weren’t any of the existing Supermen so it’s got to be a some type of “Superman” if you ask me.

    1. It was mentioned in the issue that they solved the “stability issue”where they died quickly. Maybe they didn’t solve that problem after all and this one burns out. Maybe not. Maybe this is the reason DC spec drives me nuts and I tend to stay away.

      1. Yeah.. as long as the people bidding don’t drop their bids.. I’m good, I spent $0 on these BatsSups #32.

  2. I can totally see Dan Didio & DC editorial rewriting the storyline to make that scene depict the Chinese Superman. At least until a 2nd & 3rd print + a few variants sell through.
    As for innuendo, Harley Quinn is filled with it. Especially between her & Ivy!

  3. It’s like Trading Places with the “SELL SELL” and then “Buy ‘Em!”
    In the end, I kept one copy for slabbing

  4. Some critic reviews for Xmen came out today. Looks like AOA might not be very good. Most praise Wolvie and Quicksilver scenes but say the rest falls flat.

      1. Yeah, I saw a lot about this yesterday, and now today another new article is out with the headline calling it a “Franchise-Killer”. I am conflicted about the X-men movies. If X-men reverted back to Marvel, we’d get a lot less X-men movies because Disney/Marvel can only produce so many movies a year. The quality of the Fox movies are hit-or-miss, but seemed like they were heading in the right direction. I’m disappointed that Archangel doesn’t much look like Archangel, and they never actually spent time establishing Angel… plus I heard something about Warren being in some underground tournament gladiator role prior to Apocalypse taking him in… ??…. but glad to see Psylocke in a prominent role, and hoping the rest of the movie establishes her as more than just a random Horseman of Apocalypse with no character development. But these reviews, I’ve only read the headlines, and one of them also mentioned the movie being over-crowded with characters, so that no characters get time to shine. Ugh. It could be X3 all over again. And these reviews are hot on the heels of Fox announcing the next X-men movie will take place in the 1990’s… which makes no sense, because the characters didn’t age from 1962 (the Cuban Missile Crisis) to the 1980’s. Mystique is understandable, but Xavier, Magneto, Beast, Moira, etc, are going to look practically the same from 1962 up to 1992+, which is pretty ridiculous. And they just re-cast the “original” X-men, so if they’re supposed to age 10 years between films, too, that’s going to be even more obvious with a group of teenagers supposedly aging a decade but still looking the same.

  5. if anyone wants a girl on girl catwoman story withharley and ivy I will write it produce it and even hire cos-players to act it put it on dvd for you for afee it is what I do. I amglad I sold out and hope action #52 recives no blacklist

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