Captain America #1 Spoilers

Steve Rogers is young again, putting on a new Cap suit and sporting a new shield, in Captain America #1. So the hero we all know and love is back again, right?
Not so fast.
Spoilers ahead so only read if you are interested. Click the spoiler pictures for the spoiler images themselves.
First up, Cap is back but he is not alone. He is sporting two new sidekicks.
A little peek back at Cap’s past, including his abusive father and his mother’s social group (some 1920’s women were not into book clubs or knitting circles)
As I said, Cap’s new partners do not stick around long.
and of course, the pay off, Steve Rogers’ allegiance revealed
Captain America #1 is out tomorrow.

20 thoughts on “Captain America #1 Spoilers”

      1. Very interesting. I think I may add this to my list. Curious to see where it’s going to go.

  1. Now there is media hype about Captain America being a secret agent of Hydra a fascist organization. This twist seems logical because of current politics in the United States. At ebay, Captain America 1 variant is averaging $30 in recent sales.

      1. Yeah, I saw that. They want him (Chris Evans) to have a boyfriend in the next movie. Effing stupid. I’m all for gay rights too.. but for the LGBT people who keep preaching to the right wing self-righteous to stay out of their sex lives as it’s none of their business, they should stay out of the sex lives of others themselves and just leave them be.. even the fictional super heroes. Want a gay Captain America? Well, make a new super soldier to take the reigns (I mean, we have two now, what’s a third one going to hurt) and make him gay to start out with.. Ughhhh!!!!

    1. He has had death threats according to bleedingcool. Also, they posted almost the exact same story with almost the exact same pictures an hour after I posted mine.
      Sent from my iPhone

  2. Kinda sad he’s getting death threats.
    I don’t know why Marvel has gone down this path but it’s too late to turn back. Parker for Miles, Thor for Foster, Rogers for Wilson and on and on. I can’t read anything Marvel now cause I find none of it appealing. I buy Marvel variants purely for the flip (which hasn’t really worked for me) so, soon I most likely won’t buy anything Marvel except Vader and Star Wars. They haven’t tainted that universe yet and hopefully never will.
    Thankfully, reading sites like this have turned me on to a bunch of Alternative companies and Titles I would have never looked at. I no longer have to watch my childhood heroes be bastardized by a bunch of “artists” with a Frank Miller “I’m gonna change comics” complex. They are neither Frank Miller and their work isn’t The Dark Knight Returns.

    1. Glad we were able to turn you on to indie comics. I grew up a Marvel Zombie and was a completist on Iron Man first run, ASM first run, Daredevil first run, and Uncanny X-Men first run. I seriously wanted complete original runs. When they started the renumber thing in the 90’s I still hung in there but after Vol 3’s and 4’s I just couldn’t hang any more. I have always loved indie books, Grendel Grim Jack, and too many more to name so when Image for out of the superhero game mostly and started doing quality creator owned books I was in. Never looked back.

  3. In elementary school we used to do a monthly “rummage” sale with “bucks” our teacher would give us for assignments and good deeds and such. I would “buy” every single comic my classmates would bring in. I would either convince my mom to bake a bunch of cupcakes or buy some cookies I could “sell” then use my classmates bucks to buy up all the comics. My mom hated it when I brought home another stack of comics to leave scattered around the house. Good times. Sadly all those were lost to me when we made an impromptu move back in 86. I had a LOT of ASM and Marvel stuff as well as the typical DC big heroes. Mid to late 70’s and early 80’s. I cringe when I think what might have been there.

    1. my parents were cool and never freaked out about me bringing boxes of comics home in and after high school.I have sold stuff time and again but never worried about my comics being tossed out
      On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 6:55 PM, COMICSHEATINGUP.NET wrote:

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