One to Watch: Joyride #1 and 2

Bleeding Cool ran a spec piece today (usually take these with a grain of salt) about Joyride #1 from Boom Studio’s. I am expanding on it a bit.
Copies of Joyride #1 have sold for upwards of $30 for the yellow 1A cover. Someone listed and sold a ton of copies for $7.99 (undercutting) but the next copy bounced back at $19. What BC failed to mention is the Second Issue is also selling for as high as $25.
Once again, these are books that can be found right on the shelf. I grabbed two sets of 1&2 today.

4 thoughts on “One to Watch: Joyride #1 and 2”

  1. Thanks for da tip. (Said in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger Kindergarten Cop voice)

  2. Can someone tell me why this book is hot beside it being decent story?

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