DC Rebirth Spoilers: Flash Rebirth #1, Detective Comics #934

I have read all of this weeks DC rebirth books. I am going to go ahead and leak out the spoilers, so only click the spoiler graphic if you want to see them. I can say that there is no major spoilers in Wonder Woman Rebirth #1, that I saw, so grab the Artgerm Variant cover for the spec play.  Action Comics #957 also didn’t seem to have much going other than story development. So with that said, on to the spoilers.
Last warning, the images are spoiler protected but the descriptions are not. Only click if you do not care to be spoiled.

Over in Flash Rebirth #1, we know we are getting Godspeed, but it seems it is only a one panel cameo.
Still worth the pick up. Its the Detective Comics #934 that has some interesting returning characters and an established character who looks to be joining the Bat-Army.
Stephanie Brown back as the Spoiler.
Cassandra Cain back in her familiar stitched mask, minus the Batgirl Symbol.
Clayface Basil Karlo seems to be joining team-bats.

20 thoughts on “DC Rebirth Spoilers: Flash Rebirth #1, Detective Comics #934”

  1. Anybody feeling the variants for Action Comics or Detective Comics? Or you rolling with the regular covere?

      1. Hey i know batman 655 price guide was is not worth much like $10, so what u think is a fair price to spend on the regular cover? And same queation for the variant ? Thanks

  2. Flash Rebirth #1 might be seen as the 1st appearance of Godspeed. Even with the one panel, he’s in costume and speaks, so we’ll see. If not 1st true appearance, bet the farm on Flash #1 then.
    DC really promoted Godspeed during their Rebirth announcement, so he’s definitely going to be an important character moving forward.
    As for Detective Comics, I wonder if the better specs would be the true 1st appearances of the team that’s being assembled since none are a 1st appearance here?

    1. I consider those first appearances. It’s when you only see a body part, a silhouette or just a glimpse of them as cameo’s.

    2. First appearances are still good specs but the point of it was that we haven’t seen some of these characters since before Flashpoint and we have never seen a good guy Clayface.

  3. It’s going to be tough getting a pure white for that Artgem cover. All the one’s at my LCS have a pinks smudge near the top staple. I picked the ones with the least smudging.

    1. Printer defects are normally ignored by graders…you’ll see quite a few 9.8 with pink smudges. Nothing I would concern myself about. Just check the normal stuff grade wise and forget the color rub

      1. Well i just ment like which is the better comic to get in genneral what looks more cool or more valuable?

        1. I got the regulars on all but the Wonder Woman. If another artist I like does a variant I will get the variant but on 50/50 splits i usually go with the A cover.

      2. When they say a book has a second printing what does that mean for us? Is that a good thing? Should we be collecting the 2nd or 3rd print as well since its a low print? Or only buy it if they change the cover?

        1. It means that the book has sold out at the distributor and all copies are in stores. There is enough demand in the Diamond Comics Ordering system to justify reprinting the comic a second, third, fourth, or what ever time. Can this be good , yes. There could be demand for the first prints. Also subsequent prints can be collectible but there is no guarantee. That is the gamble.

  4. Does any book have more reprints then Johnny The Homicidal Maniac #1? Think it’s around its 35th printing maybe higher lol.

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