Batman #1 (Rebirth) Sells 350,000 copies

Tom King mentioned the print run of the new Batman #1, and it is pretty big. He has the conversation on the Podcast Wordballoon.
During the nearly 2 Hour 10 minute podcast, Tom mentions the new Batman #1 sold 350,000 copies. He mentions it at the 1:04:10 mark. Start around 1:04. There were numerous variants, so they add 3,000 copies per cover.
Batman #1 is already selling for over cover price. It will be interesting to see if this hits New 52 levels.
Thanks to Brian S. for sending this over.

52 thoughts on “Batman #1 (Rebirth) Sells 350,000 copies”

  1. Retailer variants might not be part of that 350k he mentioned. Only books bought through diamond will ultimately show up on comichron (for example), so Tom King could be giving a total of everything (retailer variants too) or just what diamond sold.
    If that 350k means all retailer variants too, then the print run for the basic cover A will be much lower. A chunk of that 350k is also the Tim Sale cover B.

    1. I just picked up another regular on-line with an order I placed for Kitchen 1 and Kitchen 1 variant cheap. And Yes, I love the variant, but the regular cover will be the winner

      1. Yep, the regular has Gotham and Gotham Girl on cover, so aside from the Turner’s, Kevin’s blank and any other potential retailer variant that jumps in price, cover A is the way to go.
        All shops here are out of cover A, but a few have cover B left.

  2. There’s about 30 copies of the kitchen #1 on Amazon for $2 + $4 shipping one vendor has 18 copies but no combined shipping I picked up 3 from one seller that gives a $3 credit for each book you buy on Amazon so picked up 3 for $12

  3. my guess is that with a print run of 350k we now know what comic will be shipping with the soon to be shipping DC Legion of Collectors box. I would be shocked if that is not the case.

  4. Does anyone have any insight on the All Star Batman releasing in August? There is a Jock cover, is this the same deal for retailers to order as many as humanly possible and the extras can be returned to DC?

    1. Batman 1 was returnable. My LcS ordered 600 and will not be returning any. I see this book having a long shelf life, same thing with All Star Batman. People will be buying these as long as stores have them. I think all the first issues will have the 50/50 split variants. I need to start grabbing both covers of the Batman titles.

      1. How you guys feel about Detective Comics? You think Detective or All Star Can have the same impact as Batman years from now? Or Batman solo title is the one to only focus on

  5. Was able to get 2x cover a,2x cover b and…..2 copies Turner Aspen color variant…not a bad haul,but wish I had gotten more Turner variant before they sold out…

  6. @Jay All Star is Snyder…..also there’s rumors about Snyder and Capello teaming up again on a comic so maybe they’ll get Detective.

    1. No I know, I was asking like do you think its worth Continuing to buy all the all star batmans and all the detectives, or its worth just sticking to the solo batman titile

    2. I thought that Snyder doesn’t have time to do a bi-weekly, hence all star.
      Or is this book with capullo a new rumour?

      1. Early-on it was announced that Snyder would be taking over Detective Comics in the Fall, but that was prior to All-Star Batman being announced. As far as Capullo, I have not heard Anything about what he’s doing next.

  7. Weird…..”My Comic Shop” has Cover A for $8.00,while having Cover B for $12.00……why is that??

    1. Cover B is worth getting also or just the original? I thought people didnt like the Tim Sale Variant ?

    2. Secondary market prices. They do it all the time. They sell X amount at cover and move the prices up as demand and value increase. Just be happy it’s not Mile High or they would be way over priced.

        1. All depends on your motivation detective is turning out to be a good read. If you’re looking long-term investment I don’t think any of them are bad pick up. I like the renumbered detectives and I’m going to be picking him up until issue 1000

      1. What about Action Comics? You collecting that until issue 1000?
        And also besides Batman you focusing on any other character worth collecting?

  8. Also, Midtown still has Cover A and B at $ 2.99 cover price(Limit 1 each) just grabbed them….

  9. I have bought 10 copies of cvr A and I have 7 copies of cvr B.
    I doubt Rebirth Batman will out value New 52 Batman, simply because people were ready for it this time around, but a profit can still be made. Just not new 52 profit.
    Still good though!

    1. It’s batman 2 years from now there will be plenty of people that missed the boat on this and will be willing to pay the premium. Won’t be a quick flip but def worth investing in a few to sell or trade down the road.

      1. Excellent point. There are people getting into comics all the time and even though this is recent, anyone trying to get into Batman from this point forward will have missed the boat.
        Sent from my iPhone

  10. I just hope this isnt the start of DC going the way of the endless reboots like Marvel. I’m actually really excited for rebirth but if they go with new #1s every year I’ll be dropping most DC titles like I did Marvel :/

    1. I’ve worried about that as well. I am sick of Marvel’s constant renumberings. And also shuffling creative teams & rosters causes many books to spend a lot of time getting a book established, then very little pay-off before the book ends and goes back to #1 to start the process all over again. I never thought the day would come that I would enjoy the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl more than I do X-men! The characters that Marvel considers B-list & C-list are currently a much better read than the A-listers. And at least when they re-numbered, they didn’t change anything, they just joked about the concept and kept trucking along.

  11. Went to local Barnes and Noble to check for the Justice league # 51 error covers….found none…BUT did find 3 copies of Batman # 1 cover A with a 3.99 cover price instead of 2.99. Does this make these copies more desired because not direct sales copies and much lower print run for those? Just curious…….

    1. People like mint Newsstand copies.
      For JL 51, I checked 4 B&N stores near me. Three got none. One got 6. Of the 6, 5 were mint. I kept one and sold 4. Sold quick. For a great profit.

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