Many months ago, when we mentioned the comic Henchgirl was optioned for a movie, well, a lot of people thought we were just pumping the book to profit off it. Not true, we called the tv show in the works early on. A couple of references were made in reference to the show in the past couple of days.
First up, Kristen Gudsnuk mentioned the show when asked by Bleeding Cool:
RJ: Earlier this year there was an aftermarket run on back issues of Henchgirl
and there was the word pushed by Scout Comics that a TV/film deal was about to be announced for the comic.. but then silence. What actually happened – was it all a scam to push interest or was it based on reality?
KG: It does sound too good to be true, but that news actually isn’t a fabrication. I can’t say the details yet, but we’re working with a renowned production company– which, incidentally, made one of my top 5 all-time favorite movies– on a TV deal.
Notice that even Rich Johnston stated : “was it all a scam to push interest or was it based on reality?” Doubting that it ever happened.
Scout Comics, in reference to Henchgirl’s trade paper back coming out from Dark Horse had this to say:
Hahah Scout throwing shade though
Just a little.
Good for them though.. I must admit, Dark Horse hasn’t really come out with a lot of titles grabbing my attention and money lately. I think the only one that’s keeping my full attention is Dept H.
Yeah. I like dept h and the fact that even the name is a play on the word depth
Was going to add a 2nd copy of this Henchgirl to my Comicxsposure order this morning they had them at $20 was going to use it to make my total $75 for free shipping but it sold out this morning before the black cat venom variant went up for sale so had to add a second B/W black cat venom.
Currently have multiple copies of 1-4 at CGC! In very excited to add these to my collection and flip some when they come back! Yay!
Any thoughts in the value for original colored sketch art work of Henchgirl? I got mine framed and matted and looks amazing.
Send me a photo. I really think Kristen G. and Henchgirl are on the rise
henchgirl will be the next walking dead. henchgirl will take th world by storm testify blind adam out
God I hope so.
I’m looking at some of the previous articles, and I’m thinking Wow I’m gone for a week or so and look at all the new names CHU is really growing, I like that. I really hope something comes up from this, because Henchgirl is such a great title. Is #11 really the last issue?
Yeah, #11 is the final issue (and you’ll know it is after reading it!!), then Kristen is moving on to some other things. Some very exciting things, but I will definitely miss Henchgirl. Maybe she’ll come back to it some day…?
Welcome back, we missd you
Thanks, I missed you guys too. I was moving, still am kind of. No internet. Moving sucks. Especially when you have to move 10+ longboxes, and that’s just in 3 years. I think I need to cut down on the spec’s, I haven’t yet but I’m planning on it.
Lol. I have way more than that. We moved about five years back to our current home and hired movers. I had to rent a separate u-haul to move the comics. They wouldn’t move them due to the claimed value of them. I was fine with that. I have added 18 short boxes since that time at least.
I have #1-4, pre-Scout when she self-printed the issues. I don’t know if I would part with them, but has anyone seen references to these being sold?
Yes. They go for pretty good money. Not sure I would sell them either at the moment.