The cover to the first chapter of Whisper War has been held in secret. It features art by Arthur Adams, we know that much. Here is the preview of the variant cover for The Walking Dead #157
Granted, this is not final art for The Walking Dead #157, there could be some changes, but this is a good look at the way they are going. (probably just needs color but am loving if they go Black and white for it)
Click for a larger view
The Walking Dead #157 is out 8/3/16.
10 thoughts on “Walking Dead #157 Arthur Adams Cover preview”
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I ordered this sight unseen, originally thought it was NEAL Adams. Looks great as b/w too!
There’s another Adams cover for #158 as well.
Yeah 158 does have one as well. The preview image hasn’t leaked though.
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I thought the same thing at first, it’s still a very cool cover though.
I bought a bunch sight-unseen, and knew it was Arthur. I love Arthur Adams. Which is probably why I also love Longshot, the Mojoverse, and X-babies more than a lot of other people; because those were my primary go-to Arthur Adams books in the 90’s to read & re-read.
I heard there will be Arthur Adams Variants for the entire Whisperer War storyline, each spotlighting lead characters. And they may even bleed together into one large image, but I’m not sure about that part.
A friend of mine owns the cover to the issue one of the Longshot mini series. Hangs in the formal dining room of his house.
Nice cover. Going to order it today as well as the 158 one.
where did ya guys order from?
There is a link in the story for TFAW. That’s where I preordered from.
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This is such an awesome variant! Thanks for the heads-up!