Free Comic Wednesday: Harley Quinn #1 Comicxposure Variant

Thanks again to ComicXposure for sponsoring this Free Comic Wednesday. Up for grabs this week, a set of the sold out Harley Quinn #1 ComicXposure Variants. One color copy and one Black and White copy. One winner two great books.
The rules are simple:
1. Winner drawn at random
2. No Purchase necessary
3. Enter your name in the comment section below.
4. One entry per person (we have ways of knowing.)
5. Winner will have 48 hours from the drawing to contact me to arrange shipping.
6. Books ship free in the US and foreign winners agree to chip in for shipping.
Thats it and good luck

230 thoughts on “Free Comic Wednesday: Harley Quinn #1 Comicxposure Variant”

    1. Hi Lincoln. First time commenters have to be moderated first to prevent spam. You are good though and this one now appears.

    1. Glad you asked. My vacation set me back a week sending out packages. Am drawing this one and the Frankie’s Comic Harley and Batman Blanks one tonight. Look for the posts around 10 PM Eastern.

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