Kill or Be Killed #1 Sold out and getting New Cover for 2nd Print

Kill or Be Killed #1, the new Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips book that was released on 8/3/16, has sold out and going back to a Second Print. The new printing will have a new cover too. Check out the new, violent cover.

The Second Print comes out 9/7/16.
kill or be killed

15 thoughts on “Kill or Be Killed #1 Sold out and getting New Cover for 2nd Print”

    1. I understand. It is kind of rare for an Image book to go back to a second print any more.
      On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 10:21 PM, COMICSHEATINGUP.NET wrote:

      1. I’m not so sure.. Snot Girl went back for a 2nd print and it kind of sucked, although I can see how it can carry a certain audience but for me, just not my cuppa tea.
        She-Wolf went back for 2nd print and it was just horrible.

    2. I buy Brubaker for the story.. I don’t care if it ends up valuable or not, his master crime story telling is just awesome. Probably the best “narrator” out there as well.. he makes me become the person I’m reading with his heavy narrative pages. When a writer can do that, that means they’re good..

  1. I’m a pretty dedicated and thorough comic reader, and KobK was far and away the best single issue I’ve read from the past few weeks. The storytelling was just so….fluid!
    No matter the spec, I just want the quality to maintain so it can be included in my favs (Vision, Sher.oBabylon, Southern Bastards, Silver Surfer, Paper Girls, maybe The Fix, etc)

  2. I liked KoBK #1, just like all the Criminal series were good. Couldn’t get into Fatale though.

  3. Yeah, I thought it was the philosophy of Image for a while to not do 2nd prints.
    The dollar always wins though.

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