Wednesday Winner: Animosity #2

It’s nice when you walk into your comic shop on Wednesday and pick up your comics. It is even nicer when you walk into your local comic shop and some of the books you picked up are going for multiple times cover price by the end of the week (heck, this one is by the beginning of the day), but Animosity #2.
Animosity #2 which just dropped today had several things going for it. First, the orders on this book was before they first issue hit stores and before the positive word of mouth got back to retailers. Retailers didn’t get to adjust their orders on Animosity #2 because it is not on Diamond’s FOC (final order cut off). There is also the inherent second issue sales slump that comes with most comics, but again, this probably would not have been the case if the book wasn’t ordered before the first issue dropped. Closed sales have already pushed the book above the $12 price (less for the ones who threw in free shipping) but not a bad mover considering the book was just released hours ago.

7 thoughts on “Wednesday Winner: Animosity #2”

  1. All 3 of my LCS’s didn’t have this. I found a comic shop and new Mexico and ordered 3 of them for cover price. Nice deal!!

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