Wednesday Winner: Seven To Eternity #1

It is nice to walk into your local comic shop on Wednesday and pick up your new books. It is even nicer when the books you picked up on Wednesday are selling for multiple times cover price by the end of the day. Seven To Eternity #1 is one of those books.
Seven To Eternity #1 has sold out at Diamond on Wednesday, as we mentioned earlier this week. Since then, the book has been flying off the shelves. Regular covers have been selling on eBay for $10. Of course, some copies have been listed for lower and sold quickly. Blank covers have been pushing $12, again, there are bargains out there that are being grabbed quickly. Sets of all four covers are selling for $50 with sets of the three regulars pushing close to $40.

18 thoughts on “Wednesday Winner: Seven To Eternity #1”

  1. Was able to order 1 blank cover from midtown but saw 0 at the 3 shops i visited.Could be the one to get

  2. managed to get the regular and a variant, nice to actually get something off ebay for regular price !

  3. I was able to pre-order mine 3 months ago after reading Previews. I ordered covers A, B *2, C from Also snatched Cover A and C from comic cartel. Those comic book websites are all out of these. I also found a digital copy – read it. It’s so Me’h. Arts great but honestly the story is awful. I feel like the story was rushed and it reminded me of the old Image superhero comics from the 90’s. I am just giving my opinion. I am sure others enjoyed it.

    1. I agree.Art is amazing.Story c-.I will pick up the next couple issues and decide whether to follow the series after.

  4. My shop still had half a dozen copies on Friday night. Picked one up, the art was great but the story was really confusing. Not sure this one has legs.

    1. That was my 1st impression i had to go back and re read it..2nd read i understood it a bit more,i love the universe this takes place in

    2. This was one I could easily follow without any second reading.. hmm.. You all did read the story on the first page behind the cover right? If I didn’t read that I might of been a bit confused…

      1. LOL …..No i didnt lol not until the second time lol …im still kinda lost on what Nails are?

  5. Bought the last two copies in my town. Read it. Loved it.
    For fantasy story telling, I thought it was a fresh story. It’s a whole new world with different rules and different social structures. I’m looking forward to reading more.

    1. Well, the hype dies down (that’s for a lot of other books) but most of his books still hold weight. Like Black Science and Deadly Class.. both going strong I think. Tokyo Ghost just ended but it didn’t get the heat this book got on it’s first day.

  6. @ – I found the last Seven to Eternity #1 Cover B on Last week when I checked they had 0. I grabbed a copy today. Thanks for recommending the site on a recent post on here.

  7. And now is $94 on ebay!!!! why do I always s find out about cool stuff like this too late!!

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