Hey CHUniverse, just finished all 13 episodes of Netflix’s Luke Cage and I’m here to bring you a spoiler free checklist of characters appearing in the first season of Luke Cage and their first appearance comics to be on the lookout for.
I enjoyed the first season of Luke Cage just as much as the rest of the Netflix’s Marvel shows. I will say the acting is good, it’s well written, well directed, and even if your not a fan of hip-hop, the music is on point throughout the season and really gives you the Harlem vibe. This season also shows that Marvel can make a show with language, violence, and nudity, for an adult audience. This isn’t the Luke Cage from the Spiderman cartoons. Again this is spoiler free so I won’t mention anything else other then the name of the characters and books to hunt down.
Luke Cage Hero for Hire #1 – First Luke Cage, First Diamondback, First Shades, definitely a book to get if you don’t already have. Mines close to NM picked up 7 years ago.
Luke Cage Hero for Hire #5 – 1st Black Mariah, go get this. There is one cheap one on Amazon that might be worth the risk.
MMarvel Premiere #21 – 1st Misty Knight #20
is 1st mention of Misty.
Luke Cage Hero for Hire “Powerman” #18 – 1st Cottonmouth.
Luke Cage Hero for Hire #14 – 1st Big Ben shows up a few episodes, I imagine a Bigger role in season 2.
Luke Cage Hero for Hire #2 – 1st Claire Temple. Aka the nurse from Daredevil.
That’s it for your season 1 Luke Cage checklist! Season 1 was filled with MCU references and Easter eggs none of those which I’ll talk about here, but season 2 and coming, Defenders series speculation is already dancing in my head after watching these 13 episodes. Don’t take my word for it and be sure to check out Luke Cage on Netflix it’s an enjoyable ride.
5 thoughts on “Alana's Weekend Spec, Luke Cage (Spoilerfree) edition”
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Luke Cage Hero for Hire #19 would be first full Cottonmouth
#18 would be Cottonmouths first mention
#18 also has an ad for Marvel Premiere #15 1st Ironfist, if you like ad pre 1st appearances.
Picked up an issue #1 about three years ago in pretty nice shape for a good price. Been picking up other early issues here and there since.
a book I really like for spec is powerman&iron fistshadowland #1-4 my favorite story with cotton mouth as a pimp. now I need to pick up more hero for hire #18s. there are still a lot of hero for hire #5s for cheap online . and if marvel was smart they would have done a methed man hip hop luke cage variant . blind adam out