Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 10/5/16
It is a huge week of new books. A lot of them launching right before the start of NYCC. Lots of great stuff this week over all. It’s odd because it is not a big week for returning favorites, but will still be an expensive week.
The New #1’s
Shade the Changing Girl #1– Loved Shade the Changing Man so I am looking forward to this Young Animal release.
Deadpool Back in Black #1 – Lots of attention paid to this one due to the Venom/Deadpool mixup. Dead pool series have big print runs, this one will be no different, but they still are in demand.
Romulus #1– Bryan Hill of Postal fame’s new book. Looks good from the previews.
Our world isn’t free. All of us, for generations, have lived under the secret control of The Ancient Order of Romulus. One young woman, raised by them, trained by them, betrayed by them, must push through her fear to take a stand against the silent evil that masters our world. Her name is Ashlar, and her war begins with the brutal first chapter of the new Image series ROMULUS, from writer BRYAN HILL (POSTAL) and artist NELSON BLAKE II (MAGDELENA).
Moonshine #1– Azzarello and Risso’s new book. Mixes moonshiners, crime, and the supernatural. Looks good!
He-Man Thundercats #1 – New spec value, most likely, but a damn fine cross over we all want to see
Cannibal #1 -Already selling out at online shops.
From New York Times bestselling writer BRIAN BUCCELLATO & JENNIFER YOUNG, CANNIBAL is about the denizens of a small Everglades town desperately trying to hold onto their everyday lives at the dawn of a cannibal pandemic. With no cure in sight, the region has become split over what to do with the victims, though for Cash and Grady Hansen the answer is simple: Kill them. But all of that changes when the virus begins to infect people they love.
Shipwreck #1 – Warren Ellis’ new book. His last new series, Trees, recently got optioned and Warren had been working on a secret TV project, so you never know.
The reprinted Favorites
Hillbilly #1 2nd Print and Hillbilly #2 2nd Print
– cannot pass up the second writings with new covers This book is on fire right now and could be a quick flip or long term burn.
The Image one
Green Valley #1 – New Skybound series written by Max Landis. The SDCC Ashcan
caught a lot of peoples attention. The NYCC Variant
should be one to watch out for too.
Small Press Pick of the Week
Black #1 – Lots of hype surrounding this book. It has sold out a Diamond before the book has even been released. Lots of variants you can be sure of but grab the regular, 1:5, or The CHU variant (which is sold out)
The Defacto Pick of the Week
Walking Dead #159 – a “death” issues, and one of a “main” character. Cannot wait to read this and not just the spoilers. Pick up the regular and the connecting cover and an extra set to sell later.
The Pick of the Week
Girrion #1 – New Scout Comics series has had a lot of attention. Scout does quality low print run books that people have been interested in. Not to mention, Henchgirl and Solarman both got media deals. Can fully see this getting an animated TV treatment as well. You will definitely want to check out the self-published version as well. This has sold out at most online retailers. It is already being listed for way more than cover price on eBay as well. This could be a Wednesday Winner out of the gate
I almost preordered Cannibal but ultimately didn’t. I do have Shipwreck coming though. That was another title I was on the fence about after reading the solicit.
Have 20 Girrions preorder from 2 months ago not to mention 3 copies of the kickstarter #1s
Girrion looks like it’s still in stock at Midtown.
Yes and I picked one up this afternoon for some hotel reading pre NYCC tomorrow. 🙂
Girrion is a waste of money IMHO. Green Valley is the long term winner here.
Got both so I am covered.
Only a waste if the story and art sucks. The art looks great though from my quick skimming I did.
Just read Girrion, I really digged it. I love the style of art used. I would hardly call it a waste of money. Now, it could heat up or not, but regardless, seems like a solid comic for story and art.
what he said^^^ Girrion is being hyped up too much…Like Flava Flav said DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE!!