Mel V's Variant Picks of the Week for 10/19/16

What Up Chu? Mel V. here with the variants of the week… Shush… has it been a week already. Kind of a quiet week for variants, however, the show must go on. SO LETS GET INTO THE GETTIN INTO
KISS Vol 3 #1 Cover M Incentive Shouri Demon Emoji Virgin Cover – Who’s not a fan of Gene Simmons and the Demon. This is a cute, evil rendition
Black Panther Vol 6 #7 Cover F Incentive Cosplay Variant Cover (Marvel Now Tie-In) – This one is so bad, so very bad, it could be sought after. If I see one for cheap I will get one
Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat #11 Cover B Variant Champions Cover (Marvel Now Tie-In) – Small spec play here. If Agents of Shield is around long enough to see a live action Ms Marvel appearance meet up with Ghost Rider, this would be the 1st time, if I’m not mistaken, they have appeared on cover together
Civil War II Kingpin #4 Cover B Variant Kyle Baker Cover – Borderline T-Shirt worthy. Love the savage beating Kingpin is giving out

24 thoughts on “Mel V's Variant Picks of the Week for 10/19/16”

  1. I am going to avoid the Black Panther cosplay, it’s that awful. I can’t believe anyone would spend the $21.25 at Midtown for that thing..

  2. Yeah after the Silk cosplay went nuts, midtown bumped the price to $20+. crazy if you ask me! I bought the Black Panther one though! lol and the Punisher last week.

  3. After last years cosplay’s tanked, NOBODY ordered qty on these.
    Squirrel Girl & any others with nice set of ‘fun bags” on the cover should do fantastic.
    I spit coffee out my nose when I saw that Panther. That dudes a real cos-player. Hilarious.
    Wish I had a picture but:
    One per shop. Insane cover.
    Cult classic property w die-hard fans.
    Could be $$
    Marvel Now DEODATO TEASER Variants are so clean & elegant, I want to collect them.
    Marvel really shoots themselves in the foot sometime with their solicitation process, NO art available, so retailers often pass. White covers are a Mo-Fo for high grade too.
    Only 1/10’s but they’re pretty clean / sharp looking books.
    There’s a My Little Pony Trump parody cover this week too.
    I love my ponies…

    1. Larry whats your thoughts on Moonshine from Image ..I went with what ya told me .1920’s era Boardwalk empire no longer around so costumes are readily available as well as MTVs Teen Wolf canceled this could fill the “Werewolf” tv void

  4. The black panther cosplay looks like the 1980s luchador’s costume. I see him wrestling next to El Santo or Blue Demon.

  5. Got the KISS Cover M for cover price. My personal favorite is the Francavilla variant. Anyone that’s talked variants with me for 5 minutes knows I’m a Francavilla fan. I’m taking a liking to the Rebirth Bermejo variants too. He just has a way with Harley that I truly dig.

  6. I’ll grab you one of those BP cosplay covers in about a month from the dollar bin. Or are you talking it up because it’s you behind that mask?

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