Hey, CHU! The Marvel World of Star Wars is changing and becoming very exciting, new titles are coming down the road, ongoing titles have new upcoming story lines, and, let’s not forget, the upcoming movie. I have just a little time and so many variants to show you! Let’s get on with it.
First, Poe Dameron #8 has a sweet Reis variant this week:
Reis is the same guy who busted out this beaut of a Droids variant for the forthcoming Doctor Aphra #1:
Our friends over at Jedi-Bibliothek have reported that LaRocca is now showing up on Previews as drawing a back-up story for Doctor Aphra #1. My bet is that this continues Triple-Zero and BeeTee’s misadventures from the Darth Vader #20 back-up (I know the screenshot below says Mike Norton, just humor me)!
Now for the Doctor Aphra #1 variants! (From jedi-bibliothek tonight)
We finally have images for the 1:50 Charretier variant:
Tony already showed off the Frankie’s exclusive variants.
Here is the much talked about Ashley Witter variant
Sets can be purchased at The Comic Mint with proceeds donated to the Hero Initiative. There are three versions available.
We have an image for the coveted McKelvie 1:100 variant:
..And Chewie through the looking glass, Black Krrsantan graces JTC’s Action Figure Cover!
Now on to Star Wars #25!
Deodato Sketch
and the original murder-droid, IG-88 graces JTC’s Action Figure cover!
That’s it for tonight’s quick hits. Don’t freak out too much tomorrow over elections. Read a comic instead. As always, may the Force be with you!
DrunkWooky out!
5 thoughts on “DrunkWooky's Star Wars Report 11/08 Variants As Far As The Eye Can See”
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I’m digging the JTC action figures!
I have been looking forward to IG 88 for a long while.
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How come there’s never any weapons or accessories on the action figure variants? Lol!
Lol. Good question. I would love to see a random “accessory pack” action figure variant. Just a blister pack with extra light sabers and storm trooper blasters.
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Well, that would push it’s retail price from $7.99 to $9.99 for that little plastic weapon your just gonna lose under your bed anyways…