Scott Gimple did an interview with Yahoo and talked about if the AMC Tv Show revealing Negan’s back story. The answer is yes, and the back story will come from a very familiar place.
Scott Gimple confirmed that Negan’s back story will be revealed and it will come directly from the source material, Image Plus Magazine. The story line, “Here’s Negan first appears in Image Plus Magazine
and Lucielle turns out to be Negan’s wife’s name as per Image Plus #4
(which also features the first appearance of the hit series Reborn). The magazine features a 4 page story involving Negan’s origin as well as previews of new series, such as Image Plus #3
, which features the first appearance of Seven to Eternity.
Scott Gimple tells Yahoo TV he has plans to shed more light on the backstory of notorious Saviors leader Negan, too.
“I do believe yes, it’s in the future. You know, I’m always careful about this, [because] things can absolutely change,” Gimple says. “There’s a loose plan in place I have.”
Some of Negan’s backstory has already been revealed to readers of Image Comics’ Image Plus magazine, which in April debuted “Here’s Negan,” a Robert Kirkman-penned monthly four-page spread that follows Negan from the beginning of the zombie outbreak. We won’t share any specific spoilers from “Here’s Negan” — which is scheduled to run for 12 issues — but in the first seven installments, readers learn why he named his deadly barbed wire-covered bat Lucille, and why he developed his foul, but undeniably charming, sense of humor.
“I take that ‘Here’s Negan’ story as the backstory,” Gimple says. “There’s some aspects of it that will probably be cool [on the show]. It’s some fairly far-flung stuff… in the future, you will see some stuff from that.
“Might need to get Damon Lindelof to do it,” Gimple hints. “It might be rather Lost-ian, but we’re talking a good while away.”
Spoiler alert for those that haven’t read his back story yet.. Negan was a prick before the outbreak. Negan is a prick who kills people for any reason after the outbreak. 😛
That’s the reason Kirkman gave us the origin story in the comics, because he didn’t want the tv show to beat him to it.
Probably right.