Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 115th edition of the open forum!
Running a little late this week so the site update will be a little behind, but we still will have:
Picks of the week from Me, Poyo, and Mel
Free Comic Wednesday
Winners from last weeks contests
and more so stay tuned!
What is on your Comic Book Christmas wish list?
“Don’t mess with my Wednesdays”.
As always we also want to hear about your weekly pickups.
So, What were your pick ups?
What had disappeared off the shelves?
What was sitting on the shelves?
What back issue deals did you grab?
136 thoughts on “Wednesday Open Forum”
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Well I just figured out why last week’s magic number was 114….I really have to read the lead in more often!
Been busy this week with work, Xmas and of course, wedding venues.
I get the evening to myself on Thursday so I will be reading my Wednesday pickups then.
They will be:
Back to the future
Green lanterns
Justice league v suicide squad
Dr aphra
Uncanny x men
Should be a good time.
Wedding venues? Oh thats right, even after we warned you, you are getting married.
He’ll soon figure out why we warned him and then it’ll be too late.. 😛
To be fair, I thought the decision to get married was to be my last. Boy was I wrong!
Oh no. You get to make a lot of decisions about the wedding. But after the wedding you don’t get to make any more. Lol.
ha, so so true. After the wedding you can forget about making any decisions.
Oh that’s great news. Decision making is overrated.
Oh, they’ll ask you for your decision or opinion but you’ll soon learn that it’s irrelevant and it always turns out to be…

Typical scenario. What do you think of this, be honest. I give my opinion, my honest opinion. And I am an insensitive jerk. My answer was completely the wrong thing to say.
Never answer the “Do I look fat in this dress?” Never.. just stub your toe or something to avoid… avoid at all possible costs.
Oh I know those scenarios already. I already know there’s no right answer. I’ve been practicing mind reading with no success.
You are ready my son. It is easier to close your eyes and try to see with your finger than try to have a right answer.
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Btw invincible isn’t out today. I honestly have no idea why I thought it was.
On a completely different note, I was supposed to see Star wars this weekend but we got a ton of snow. So I was supposed to go buy the tickets and pick the seats in the early afternoon but sat down after shovelling and passed out. By the time I woke up, all the night shows were sold out. I’ll try again next weekend I guess. I can only do so much family time anyways.
I haven’t been able to make it out and see it either, I have heard nothing but good things though so far.
Haven’t seen it either
It is brilliant IMHO. I thought it was kinda like the original Star Wars crossed with Platoon and Aliens, which can only be a good thing!! I’m going to catch it again, in 2D next time, 3D always makes my head hurt!
Lol off for two weeks after tomorrow. Will be seeing it, hopefully Dr. Strange as well (but that one by myself)
I’m off for two weeks after Friday. I too am hoping to get to go see Dr. Strange on the big screen but I’m not sure if it’s still showing in my area.
So here in Texas, at least central Texas.. . we have iPic, Alamo, Flix Brew House and Moviehouse now and all of them you reserve your seats when you buy your tickets online. It’s awesome.. and they serve real food, like, bring it to you.. and they have beer. It’s how movies were suppose to be watched. iPic is expensive but it’s worth it for the better movies since the seats are far apart, they’re electric recliners, you get a pillow and blanket.. it’s awesome. That’s where I’ll be next Tuesday, at iPic watching Rogue One.. 🙂
Man, that sounds really nice. There’s one theater near me that has what they call VIP but I think it’s just recliners and booze. Which I don’t get. Drinking during a movie….I’d have to pee too much I think
Got to limit yourself…. But eating helps. Just drinking doesn’t help limit the bathroom breaks.
Now I like the sound of iPic! Wouldn’t do it every time, but as a treat for a showcase movie it is surely the only sensible option? Not sure we have anything like that over here in the UK :o(
Before episode 7, I hadn’t been to a cineplex in ten years. I like to ‘smoke’ when I watch flicks. I need a theatre that lets you ‘smoke’ in it while enjoying the big screen.
Looks like you’ll be watching movies at home for the rest of your life….
I see what you are saying there.
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Seattle perhaps?
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That’s exactly why I haven’t been to the movies in 10 years. I think the last 3 flicks I saw in the theatre were TFA, Toy Story 3 (went on a date), and Blair Witch (the first one). And that about sums up my movie going experience, until I get my smokehouse theatre, lol.
We took our kids on Sunday afternoon. It’s a really good film. I originally didn’t think I’d be able to see it until after the holidays but the stars aligned. So far I think they’re 2 for 2 on their reboot of the series.
I agree, The Force Awakens was brilliant. Had an argument with the owner of a gaming shop when it came out “They’ve just remade a New Hope (It’s not a New Hope, it was, is and always will be STAR WARS!), there’s nothing original, blah blah” Well she was clearly wrong, I was right, as always!!
I do agree with her. The Force Awakens was more a reboot of the series instead of a fresh new chapter. That doesn’t mean I didn’t like it. I loved it. I paid to see it in the theater twice which is something I hadn’t done in years.
I saw it twice too, plus about 6 times since on blu-ray. I would say obviously heavily influenced by the original and the Starkiller Base was just a massive upgrade of the Death Star, but plot wise not a re-make. But what do I know??!!
That’s why I like to use the word reboot instead of re-make. You had your new Luke, new Darth, new R2, new deathstar. They were using the formula that had proved so successful. And it worked. I do think it’s a fair critique.
I shall concede the point, Sir!
I saw it today. It might be the best movie I have seen this year.
Agreed. Loved the fact that there were shades of grey with the rebels, in war people often do things they would never do in peace times.
Missed put on every copy of Gotham City Sirens over the weekend, all of my area shops were cleaned out by Monday. Played a show with my band on Saturday, then recovered all day Sunday so didn’t get to hunt for a couple of days.
Managed to get a few Detective 850’s cheap and a Damian Son Of Batman #2 1:100 variant in the bin of a shop that had Avengers Arena #14 on the wall for more than what the Damian book cost me, go figure.
I’ll be hunting for the Gamora 1:25 and Captain Marvel 1:50 tomorrow and finishing up my holiday shopping
What type of music do you play? For some reason i think I remember but not sure.
With a handle like ‘Lonzilla’, I’m guessing classic rock.
I’ve been singing in punk bands for almost 25 years. Was in Tribe Thirteen, Anti-Trust, Sons Of Liberty (the oi one, not the metal one) and now I’m with The Skrulls (shhhh don’t tell Marvel haha)
I missed out on a Detective 850 on the bay that was an auction that seemed to going at reasonable price, I was at the shops getting Christmas food shop with my dear old ma!
Some memories beat buying books though. But smart phones give you notices when your auctions (buying and selling) are getting close to ending.
I had the notification on my phone, but was packing the shopping and then going to put in the car, so I just missed out by time that was all sorted
That is one of those hold on a second mom moments
Felt I couldn’t as she was paying the bill!!
I played in a pop punk band for years also. I really miss playing. I don’t miss the odd Monday night show in front of 12 people, but I have a lot of good memories and want to start something back up again someday.
Small week for me this week, just a couple of pre-orders online:
Hookjaw #1, all covers (at last!!)
Trinity #4 cover B
But inevitably I will go online and end up buying more…
After last week I said that I’d go mental (or words to that effect!) in the forum, so I will just chuck out random thoughts, reply to other posts and generally have some bants with people!!!
First: What’s with undercutters on eBay?! Really pissed off that there is a market for a £10 comic, they come along and list at £7. These are private sellers, not comic dealers; after original cost (say £2.50), eBay and PayPal fees and then postage they are barely making £2. If they listed at the same as everyone else then they would be clearing nearly £5, so almost 200% profit. These are people who maybe sell 2, 3 or 4 comics, so they aren’t going to make a huge amount over it. Rant over (for now!)
J hate under cutters. You will see worse than that in higher priced books. People will have books listed and selling for $100 and people will drop price to $60-70 bucks. Those books sell, guess what, that’s the new base price people will want to buy for, you have greater a new ceiling and not a new floor. But people get greedy and want to sell theirs First willing to lose money on a quick sale.
Glad it’s not just me! I don’t have any high priced books (yet!) but I’ll bear that in mind when my specs reach those heady heights!
Drives me nuts. Mel and I have ranted back and forth to each other numerous times about under cutters.
Hopefully some read this and change their irksome ways!
Amen! Especially with exclusives. You even see some people sell it for no profit or take a loss. don’t understand it
I was going to say people are weird, but then I thought maybe those people got scared and decided to try to cut their losses? Like if they buy something for $50 , worried it’s never gonna go higher, so off load it in panic to reduce their perceived overall loss? Or people are weird…
Hey, I undercut.. but if a book is selling for $100, I don’t drop it to $60.. those are just people who don’t pay attention and yeah, probably just want it quick.
I know you guys don’t mind answering questions to relative newbies like me, so wanna know are the 1 per store variants of comics worth getting? In particular thinking Doctor Aphra #1. What spec value do they have or is this just for PC? If for spec, what sort of price would be reasonable to pay now? (I know the market here does not exactly follow the US, but close enough I reckon to get a good idea.)
I got the walking dead 150 one per store. It was going for a lot more when it came out and has since cooled off but is still profitable. It will jump back up again when the show catches up.
I wanted one desperately when it first came out. Had a shot at one but it was damaged and my other local shop had theirs priced above eBay. So I passed. I wanted it for my collection. Need to revisit it since the prices have come down.
Cheers Brennan. I am hoping that the same can be said of the Aphra, especially as Tony says (under your answer) that if she gets in the movies it will go huge.
Tony, I paid $100 cad when they were going for $150 usd, then they went up to about $300 briefly then settled back down. I held it because it’s really for my collection, but I’d part with it for the right price. I get a thrill out of its rarity.
If Aphra makes it to movies, and she has already made it to games, the one per store is going to be huge. It’s a buy and hold and not a buy and flip. It really depends on what price you can get it at.
Hoping to get it for about £30 including postage, think that’s an acceptable risk for the longer term hold
Look at it this way, there are approximately 3000 stores that diamond distributes to (someone correct me if I’m wrong), so a one per store makes a book 1 of around 3000…That’s good numbers.
Most books from Marvel are one of 12000-100000
Those are good numbers, so I am very pleased to say I picked up the copy for £30 like I hoped. Plus another Darth Vader #3 for a reasonable price, man I’m gonna be rich!! But what do I know??!!
Depends on the price you pay for it and the book itself. I have the Walking Dead 150 and 115. They’re Walking Dead’s so they’ll hold value as long as the show is around.
As for Doctor Aphra, yes, if she continues to be popular and ever makes it into the movies, it could be a very nice pickup if you buy at the right price. But the one thing about these very special and limited variants, usually people will still seek out 1st appearances of characters. Real hardcore collectors and fans will seek out these variants but most collectors will stick with the 1st appearances.
Sometimes you have to look at it at a different angle too. Think of actual profit margin potential. Say for instance you can pick up 10 x Darth Vader #3 books for around $10 each to hold. Say you hold these for several years or longer, gambling the long term potential value and say these books end up being $100 books each. That’s 1000% profit if you bought them for $100 and sold for $1000.
Now imagine you bought that 1 per store variant for say $100 and long term value puts it at around $200-$300 later on, that’s nice profit but for what you paid, it’s not as nice as the other copies you bought for $10 each.
It’s all a gamble though, but I always tell myself and this is the best advice one can ever learn from the movie “Trading Places”.. buy low, sell high.
Thanks for the great advice there Poyo. And love the Trading Places reference, one of my favourite films of all time!!
So I just checked and my shop in Canada is selling it for $125 cad. Dr aphra I’m talking about.
Oh heck no not at that price
Yeah, I would not buy it at that price either. I think I got my Walking Dead 150 at $90 and the 115 at $125.. but I budged on the 115 cause it’s in really really great shape, it’s definitely at 9.8 but I think could go higher if I ever got it graded. I bought for PC though, probably won’t dump these for a long long time..
And I think the Walking Dead 115 Midnight 1 per Store variant is from my calculations around 500 or so copies.. since from the list of stores that participated, only around 500 or so participated which is a far cry from the 150 which every store got, even if they didn’t order Walking Dead from what I heard.
I got the Walking Dead and the Dr. Aphra both for $25 each. I am going to hold both to see what happens.
What store?
I got them from my main Shop where I have my pullbox. I’m in Va.
@Brennan. what shop has it for $125? That ludicrous.
So yeah, been online and ordered some more stuff!!
Batman #13 both covers
The Fix #7
The other Trinity cover as mentioned in Poyo’s Picks
Managed to get two copies of Motor Girl #2 at cover
And pre-ordered some stuff for January!
Any tips on how to keep up on what is being released when and when to order? I just realised I hadn’t got Doctor Aphra #2 reading someone else’s post, so ordered myself the Dave Dorman variant.
Read the Solicitations when they come out. I use the League of Comic Geeks app to track my pull list and collection, but its not super reliable for books coming out more than a few weeks in advance and if a book is delayed, they dont usually update.
Batman #13
The Black Hood #2
Briggs Land #5 I hope the TV show is as strong as this book. It’s really good.
The Fix #7 This is probably the best coming going right now. So smart and funny.
Punisher #7
4 Kids Walk into a Bank #3 Somehow I have a feeling that I’ll find out this book was delayed when I walk into the shop tonight.
I should have ordered Dead Inside. I’ll see if they have any extra copies tonight.
And the print run on Briggs Land is tiny, #4 was only 7,757, I see $$$£££ coming our way!
I hope it cashes in. It would be so nice to be on the ground floor of some Walking Dead like money. I find it weird that it was so highly publicized that it was being made as a TV show and the print run is so low.
That’s exactly what I was hoping for, be there at the beginning of hopefully something big. But then TV fans are fickle (I include me in that): even if it’s awesome, if viewing figures don’t add up then it’s adios muchachos to the show (as in Firefly) and the big bucks for us.
I bought into Unfollow based partially of of the possible TV tie in. Unfollow has mostly sucked though. Briggs Land has been very good so I have high hopes. But you’re right. It’s hard to catch lightening in a bottle. For every Walking Dead there’s a hundred failures.
Yeah look at Outcast, only about 7 people actually watched it…
I was enjoying Outcast but my PVR missed an episode and I stopped watching it at that point. I still need to go back and get caught up.
Batman #13
Black Hammer #6
Sabrina #7 (finally)
Nightwing #11
Southern Bastards #16
Southern Cross #10
I thought AD was out again this week, but I guess not. Oh well, because of the holidays I won’t be able to get to the LCS today.
My pre-order of After Death #2 says it’s 29th it’s out
I saw how many words were in AD and decided I’ll wait until it’s all released to read.
Isn’t Souther Bastards next week?
I need some one who plays games on Steam for a giveaway code. First one to respond gets it. For Batman the Telltale Series
I’ll take it!
Brennan beat me to the punch!
Sorry! If it helps I haven’t gotten it yet! I did check my system specs and I can run it though!
TONY I also need your Paypal info when you have time.
I was just kidding. Congrats. I have to be careful with Steam because I have a Mac and some games aren’t compatible. Those games are thankfully. I’m currently going through Game of Thrones. I was going to start Batman when I finished with Game.
Dang it. I have a Mac and never thought of downloading steam
There’s a lot of games that aren’t playable on the Mac. it’s kind of frustrating. Macs aren’t really made for high end gaming but there’s a lot of stuff that would run fine but was never ported over. I mostly stick to Civ.
I have the Walking Dead Season if you want it.
I bought all of the Walking Dead seasons already. Thank you though. I really like their series of games. I still need to get through Game of Thrones and then I’m going to start on Batman.
Well then, any other Steam Players want a code for Walking Dead A New Frontier. This is for chapters 1&2 but also includes all the additional chapters as they become available. Let me know. Brennan I am looking at you perhaps.
Heck! I didn’t even realize there was a new season out. I’m behind the times. If it’s not too late I’ll gladly take it. If not…it’s my own fault lol.
Yup. Email me. It’s yours.
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Awesome. Thanks again Tony.
Season of giving
I need to email you. Two crap bush says at work.
Shoot I missed it.
Brennan email me and I will send you a code.
This week’s picks.
Harley Quinn #10 ( for the wife)
Teen Titans Go #19 ×2 ( for my boys. And we get to see beast boy’s new Super powers. The ability to smell the future). Might get a 3rd copy to spec on.
Venom #2
One thing I wanna runt about is Suicide Squad movie. I just watched it 2 days ago and man I got to say I fell asleep halfway threw. I hated the laugh of the joker. It sounded like a forced laugh. The whole gangster look to him was cool. But that anoyin laugh. Yeah I think they could of had someone better.
I really like Leto as the joker and the laugh was perfect in my opinion. My thing with it was that it didn’t really add anything to the movie. It all built up to some hairbrained escape attempt that literally went nowhere. I’m a huge backer of this film, but I have to admit, I am biased as I loosely know the executive producer…
Whaaaaat. How can you like the laugh. His laugh is more like a AH! AH! AH! then a HA! HA! HA! HA! lol.
Hahahahahaha or ahahahahah
Whichever you prefer butbthatbpost seriously made me lol
Thank you!
I didn’t like Leto, really wanted to, but he just didn’t do it for me. Then again, I didn’t think much of Heath Ledger’s Joker either, overrated, if he hadn’t OD’d I don’t think people would have raved so much about his performance. And I was a little bored by the film overall, whereas SS bored me immensely!!! But what do I know??!! (New catch phrase and if I ever get a column of my own here, I am going to call it that ha ha!)
4 kids walk into a bank (only cuz i am a completist but no more black mask for awhile)
Got my fan expo mystery box: Angry groot pop, lannister wall plaque, Billie Piper autographed pic. and the exclusive comics: BA12, Champions 1 (color), civil war 0 (color), tmnt universe 1, my little pony 22, Dr. who 1. overall a decent box – i have some stuff to sell, keep, and give as a gift
I share your Black Mask sentiment. It doesn’t seem they really care either which bugs me.
It’s too bad, they make good content and I like supporting small publishers. I will park my money somewhere else for awhile and hope they shape up.
Yeah, I’m in the same boat. I picked up 4 Kids just to finish it (hopefully it’s finished before I’m 6 feet under) but for the most part, I’m done with them. I might pick up the TPB on future books that look like a decent read and if they ever get to the point of finishing a series in a timely manner. And that’s when I buy the TPB at those awesome sales my local shops have or online when they’re like 40% off or more.. 🙂
You’d think as a new publisher that building a fanbase would be their number one priority but they don’t seem to care. They’ve done their best to kill whatever momentum they had going.
As long as they can sell their variants at the conventions, I do not think they care.
I think you’re right. Their variants should start dropping in price as more and more people jump off their delayed series. Maybe I’m wrong about that but interest is definitely starting to wane from what i’ve seen.
12/21 Pull list
4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #3
Justice League Vs Suicide Squad #1
Harley Quinn #10
Locke And Key Small World #1
Gamora #1
Thanos #2
Doctor Aphra #2
So on eof the perks of my job is the occasional free book or two from Scholastic. I usually get TPB’s. So I ordered a Han Solo for free thinking it was the TPB of the recent mini series. Well it just #1, BUT it’s a Scholastic Reading Club Variant that is going for $20+ on Ebay! I didn’t even know this variant was a thing, let alone a collectable thing! This one is going in the personal collection and not the class book shelf.
That’s very cool. My boy gets books here and there from scholastics but didn’t see that in there. Nice come up.
Is that a perk, or my tax dollars? Lol
I didn’t know Scholastic did comics….
Well, my one big win today was that my Chimichanga Eric Powell signed and sketched edition came from Diamond today! Love it!
I ordered one of those myself, it was a fantastic deal for $10 bucks! If that was a release from Dynamic Forces they would have charged $75 or more.
It’s a fun book too. Powell is very underrated as a cartoonist, and his dialogue is funny & well written. Can’t recommend Hillbilly & Spook House enough. Pick them up you won’t be sorry.
I ordered five. Waiting to be billed for them.
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I ordered 2 of them myself.
My wins today were:
Gamora Checchetto variant.
Invincible Iron Man Piper variant.
Star Lord Chip Zdarsky variant.
All at cover price.
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Gamora #1 – Lotay Variant
Invincible Iron Man #2 – ICX Variant – Pretty cool cover, if you are not following the ICX cover swipes you should some of them are great, I also really liked the Nova #1 ICX and you choose check out next weeks Black Panther ICX cover swipe
Reborn #3 – Alex Garner Cover
KRS Comics Venom Variant 3 Cover set, nice Homage cover to Infinity Gauntlet
I wanted to pull the trigger on 4 Kids, but didn’t, someone let me know if it is good
Not much for me today……
Superman #13 a and b
H.Q. #10b
Dr. Aphra #2
Joyride #8
He-Man / Thundercats #3
I looked for White #2 but it was gone, only went to 1 shop today hopefully I can get to a couple more tomorrow.
I got white 2. Missed it on the solicitations. Such a good book. Also picked up Scary Fails from Big City Comics and it was a cool read
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Batman 13 var
Harley Quinn 10 var
Suicide Squad 8 var
Reborn 2 Ottley cvr
White 2
Action Comics #552
Aliens Life And Death #3
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #21 Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Alex Ross Cover (Clone Conspiracy Tie-In)
Archie Vol 2 #14 Cover B Variant Derek Charm Cover
Black Hammer #5 Cover B Variant Jeff Lemire Cover
Black Panther Vol 6 #8 Cover A 1st Ptg Regular Brian Stelfreeze Cover
Briggs Land #4
Britannia #3 Cover B Variant Adam Gorham Cover
Captain America Sam Wilson #15
Carnage Vol 2 #14
Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #2 Cover B Variant Matt Wilson Cover
Comic Shop News #1541 – FREE – Limit 1 Per Customer
Control #6
Daredevil Vol 5 Annual #1 Cover A Regular Vanesa R Del Rey Cover
Demonic #4
Die Kitty Die #2 Cover A Regular Fernando Ruiz Cover
Fables The Wolf Among Us #1 Cover A Regular Chrissie Zullo Cover
Giant Days 2016 Holiday Special #1
Green Lanterns #11 Cover B Variant Emanuela Lupacchino Cover
Horizon #5
Hunt #4
Jessica Jones #2 Cover A 1st Ptg Regular David Mack Cover
Justice League Vol 3 #9 Cover A Regular Fernando Pasarin & Matt Ryan Cover
Kill Or Be Killed #4
Lady Killer 2 #3
Life Death And Sorcery #3
Lone Ranger Vindicated #1 Cover B Variant Marc Laming Subscription Cover
Lone Ranger Vindicated #2 Cover A Regular Marc Laming Cover
Lone Ranger Vindicated #3 Cover A Regular Marc Laming Cover
Lone Ranger Vindicated #4 Cover A Regular Marc Laming Cover
Mechanism #5 Cover B Variant Raffaele Ienco Cover
Moonshine #2 Cover B Dave Johnson
Old Man Logan Vol 2 #13
Powerpuff Girls #17
Punisher Vol 10 Annual #1 Cover A Regular Rahzzah Cover
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #21 1 NEXT WEEK
Spider-Man Vol 2 #9 (Civil War II Tie-In)
Suicide Squad Vol 4 #6 Cover B Variant Lee Bermejo Cover
Superman Vol 5 #11 Cover B Variant Andrew Robinson Cover
Swords Of Sorrow #6 Cover A Regular Tula Lotay Cover
Thanos Vol 2 #1 Cover B Variant Mike Del Mundo Marvel Hip-Hop Cover (Marvel Now Tie-In)
Trinity Vol 2 #3 Cover B Variant Steve Epting Cover
Uncanny X-Men Annual #9
Got a few old things on sale at Midtown.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
My youngest has really gotten into the Powerpuff Girls. I should seek out the comics for her.
Yeah, I’m still trying to fill gaps in the old DC run.
Fairly light week for me. Dog knows I need it to help the ol’ wallet out. Waiting on a few books to come in the mail put My LCS pick ups were:
Venom #2
Aphra #2
Gamora #1
White #2
Hook Jaw #1 A, B & D
I want to read JL V SS, because I’m glad the real, real Main Man is back (worst part of new 52, imo), and I love me some fraggin’ Lobo. I have a copy coming from Frankies along with some Dell ‘Otto Venom #1s & 2s colour and b&ws, beautiful covers. Also getting my second nerd block box tomorrow or Saturday. It will have 4 exclusive comics in it, I managed to sell 3 of the 4 I got last month, and saw those same 3 at my LCS a week later, got them for cover and have sold 2 of those. ? I also got a Daredevil coffee mug that I flipped and it had a pretty cool deadpool lanyard key thing and a print featuring the Woman of Marvels Universe in street clothes. And lastly, I finally got my EBay store as a ‘top rated’ store. Looking forward to forging ahead in 2017 and hopefully opening up my own online store this year to compliment my eBay store. Cheers, fellow CHUers.
Do an unboxing video or send me pictures of what is inside