Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think are going to have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 12/28/16, the last Wednesday of the year.
The All Ages Book to Watch
Scooby Doo Team Up #12 – Last time Harley Quinn showed up in a Scooby Doo Comic it blew up. She returns again in this weeks Scooby Doo Team Up. Sold out at all the online shops early.
Returning Favorites
AD After Death #2 – First issue was very interesting. With it being optioned for a movie, the early issues are a must pick up now.
Seven to Eternity #4 – series is really good and has a huge spec following. A must pick up for me.
Deadly Class #25 – one of Rick Remender’s best books to date. Not forgetting the book has been media optioned.
Frost Bite #4 – Joshua Williamson’s awesome Vertigo series continues.
Harrow County #19 – Always at the top of my read stack. Great horror from Cullen Bunn.
Monstress #9 – Still a great read even though the prices have gone down on the earlier issues.
New #1’s
Grimm Fairy Tales #1 – Zenescope re-launches it’s most popular book. I usually stay away from Zenescope books as a spec but will say the first issue of the previous series is worth good money. Pick up a cover “A” or if you can get one of the limited variant covers cheap, stash it away for later.
Divinity III Komandar Bloodshot – The first issue of Divinity III was a great read and will be interesting to read the offshoot series and one shots. Bloodshot looked awesome with his Rasputin appearance and heartless actions.
Ones to Watch
Southern Nightgown #2 and #3 – The first issue sported a JSC cover and quickly sold for $10+ need to see the covers on these but might be worth the pickups.
Theory of Magic #1 and #2
– Another line of books from Gothic Comics. In the vein go early Zenescope stuff, these could catch on and be worth the flip.
Small Press Gem
Love is Love – A joint production of IDW and DC Comics. celebrating the LGBTQ community. Not a book that would normally be on the picks of the week here. However, News has it that Harry Potter makes his first comic book appearance in the book. Coupled with a high price point, and subject some shops may stay away from, and you could have a win. Not to mention, Potter-heads are nuts for Potter related things. Sold out at TFAW and Mycomicshop, none on eBay at the moment
Pick of the Week
Saga #41 – BKV’s epic space story. Just keeps getting better and better and weirder and weirder. If your store gets them, grab them. This is the recalled book.
8 thoughts on “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/28/16”
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For what it’s worth, Midtown refunded me for Saga #41.. so don’t expect them to slip out onto the shelves at any of their stores.
Just you watch.
Mine just got recalled from mycomicshop, they say the fixed book will ship next week instead so if any are out there it’s the error for sure.
Some of my local shops don’t pay attention so I’m going to be on the lookout for it though.
I have a couple of shops that might put it out hopefully.
Also, Midtown has Love is Love classified as a TP.. Hmm..
Couple of Love is Love’s up on eBay USA for $13.50 now, none here in UK and none of my normal online retailers carrying it…
Hard to find Saga 41 in high grade condition, now I wish I held on to the dented copies.