Your Gift From Funko Is On Its Way!!

Tyson B. from with news on a mystery gift box being sent out to Funko subscription box (Smugglers Bounty, Collectors Corp, and that DC one) subscribers, but apparently not to me.

19 thoughts on “Your Gift From Funko Is On Its Way!!”

    1. Yes. I am a little off put by it because I never get free stuff. Wait a minute. I get tons of free stuff ahahahahaha. (Rolling around in all the free stuff I get)

      1. Yup…. You hear that? Wait you don’t hear that? It’s the sad fiddle playing….. 😉

          1. Oh yeah, I think Funko’s last survey actually asked me directly, “Do you feel it would be fair to send Anthony from CHU free gifts since he swims in other free gifts from other vendors and publishers?”
            I checked off the option of… “Heck no!”

  1. Sorry Anthony! I got the Jabba Smuggler’s Bounty. Nice pop and coffee mug. Dont care for the hat but cant complain about free!

  2. I guess because I’m new I didn’t get anything. I’ve only officially got one Smugger’s bounty box. Kind of a cool gesture though. Not too many companies would do something like that these days.

    1. Or they had enough back stock (people not buying their past boxes), they really need to get rid of them so this is the only way.. 🙂

          1. It’s true. I did bite on one of their end of year sales for another Smuggler’s Bounty box (Boba Fett bobble head) but I’m sure they have tons of stock left over. Still, it’s a decent way to get rid of the extra stuff and make your subscribers happy.

                1. Haha.. what if I send you a video while I open it to make it seem like you are there?

  3. i got the jabba box also… this kinda thing is a win-win for them. they get rid of excess stock and they have a slight chance at wooing you into a new subscription.

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